Prologue: Chosen of the Blood God

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Author's Note: This story is taking some inspiration from @Koreilly03's Doomed Rose story. Please go check his story out, it's very good, in its own way. Also, even though Raven is abusing us, she never went as far as Tai would by cutting out parts of our body, and she also didn't know that Tai was doing that in the first place.

Remnant, Patch. Rose/Xiao Long Household. Y/N's POV

It was just another terrible day in my terrible life. My 'father' was beating me because I had 'stolen' my sisters cookie.

"You little shit! I'm gonna teach you a lesson about what happens to thieves!" Tai Yang shouted as he threw me into the wall. "I didn't steal your stupid daughter's cookie!" I growled as I held my cracked ribs.

"That's it! First you lie about stealing, and then you have the nerve call your sister stupid!" The blonde daemon shouted. "She's not my sister"- I was interrupted by my abuser, who kicked me, then pinned me to the wall by my neck.

"Your gonna regret ever talking to me like that!" Tai said as he reached for a knife on his belt, "Open your mouth!" He shouted. I held my mouth closed, as I already knew what he was gonna do, "I said, open your mouth!" He shouted as he punched my mouth, trying to force it open.

I still held my mouth closed, and put one of my hands over it for good measure, "Open"-, Tai was about to order me to open my mouth when the door to my 'room' opened, revealing my mother.

"Tai, what's going on-why do you have a knife in front of our sons face!?" Summer shouted as she rushed over and pulled Tai away from me. "This disrespectful little brat needs a reminder about what happens when you lie and steal!" Tai shouted.

"He didn't steal anything! I gave those cookies to him!" Summer said, defending me. "No! Never do that! He doesn't get the privilege of having nice things! Understand!?" Tai growled. This just caused Summer to slap Tai.

"He's my son! And I get to say that he can have nice things if he wants to!" Summer shouted back. By now, my uncle and 'aunt' had come into the room to see Summer and Tai arguing. While that was going on, my 'aunt' Raven came over to me and kicked my face, breaking my nose.

This alerted the rest of the room, and Tai came toward me, with his knife still in his hand. Summer and my Uncle Qrow rushed in front of me to protect me. Summer grabbed me and cradled me in her arms, while Qrow pushed my abusers towards the door.

But I felt a sharp stab on one of my fingers, and saw Tai cutting out one of my fingernails! I screamed in agony, which caused Summer to see what Tai was doing, and pulled me and my hand away, but Tai held onto my hand, so Summer let go of me and pushed Tai down, and removed his grasp from my hand.

But it was a little to late, as Tai was holding my fingernail before discarding it to the floor. "Next time, I won't be so gentle!" Tai shouted as he left the room. "Your just lucky that mommy was here to save you!" Raven said, before being pushed out of the room by Qrow.

He soon rushed to my side. I was crying because of the pain of my fingernail getting cut off. Summer had a first aid kit with her, and was trying to get the bleeding to stop with a bandaid.

"M-mo-mom-mom?" I said, weakly, "Yes son?" Summer answered, "Do Dad and Auntie Raven hate me?" I said. Summer looked at me, with a mixed expression of anger and sadness, "As much as I don't want to say it, yes. Yes, they hate you!" She said in a slight growling tone.

"It's okay kid. Me and Summer still love you," Qrow said as he stroked my messy hair.

(Timeskip, three weeks)

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! (abused and neglected male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now