Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I'm gonna say the Ozpina and her group are Stormcast Eternal's even though that's a Age of Sigmar thing.
Flashback, the Warp. Ozpina's POV

I was trudging my way through a plague-ridden bog, armored up in my golden Stormcast armor, and wielding my massive thunder hammer and power sword. Me and my War-Party had been sent into this timeless hell, to retrieve a daemonic artifact of Khorne.

We had tracked it to the Brass Citadel, only to find that the artifact had been stolen by a Herald of Tzeentch. We tracked the herald to the edge of the domains of Tzeentch and Nurgle, before a swarm of Plaguebearers and Nurglings surrounded and engulfed the Tzeentch follower, and stealing the artifact away.

The artifact seemed to whittle away at the herald, which was how the slow Nurgle followers managed to catch up with the faster Tzeentch follower. But the artifact then turned its power upon the Nurgle daemons.

Some of them burst into flames from carrying the artifact for to long. Which brings me to where I am now, trudging through this revoltingly disgusting bog. I had my armor to thank for the reason why I wasn't being embellished with plague and disease.

The Plaguebearers had placed the artifact at an altar of Nurgle, but even then, the artifact burned brightly with hatred, almost as if it was calling to someone or something. And so, me and my companions where here, marching our way through a disgusting bog, with the altar standing in the middle of what looked to be a garden. Or more accurately, a plague garden.

I thanked the Gods, that my helmet protected my nostrils from the stench of this stinking land. My companions, Ghira Belladonna, and James Ironwood, struggled with weaving their way through the bog land, swatting flies and occasional kicking a small Nurgling off them.

"How much farther until we're there?" Ironwood called behind me. "Just a few more paces, and we'll be out of this bog. You can rely on that, James." I said, back to him. He grumbled as we continued on with our mission. Apparently, we were to take this Khorne artifact from the Warp, and hide it away, because a dark champion would use it to bring ruin upon Remnant.

With little other forms of what else it was for, we just pushed on with our mission, with our duty to protect our world, being far greater than our own free will. We finally finished traversing the tedious landscape, and started moving into the plague garden, with our weapons are the ready.

Suddenly, as we draw closer to the altar, dozens of Plaguebearers burst up from the ground. We quickly attacked the disgusting pestilent daemons as they closed in upon us. Though the daemons were powerful, we were still able to cut our way through the hordes of rotting flesh.

But a far greater challenge was awaiting us, as an Exalted Great Unclean One rose up from the putrid bog behind us. It was accompanied by a swarm of Nurglings and Plague Toads, with the horde of bloated daemons surrounded by clouds of flies.

Me, James, and Ghira stood our ground as the plague horde attacked us. We cut through without any respite, knowing that if we gave way for even a second, the daemons would break us down. "Why have you come here, golden mortals?" The Exalted one asked, though I doubt he knew we were immortal.

"We've come for that weapon!" Ghira shouted as he struck another small patch of Nurglings. His answer made the greater daemon laugh, "Ha! Even if you take it from us, you won't be able to keep it from it's real owner!" It laughed.

"That's none of your concern, daemon! This weapon will bring ruin to our world, and we must keep it from that goal!!!" James shouted at the cackling daemon, causing it to laugh even more.

"Well, it will bring ruin. But not through the fires of devastation, but rather through the proliferation of life and decay! That sword will become a blade of contamination and virulent rebirth! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The daemon cackled once again, then took up its massive blade, and swung it down at us.

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! (abused and neglected male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now