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Amerika left the Room and i looked at Germany again. And i asked:" So what exactly is the Problem?"

Germany:" I noticed something, that concerns me."

EU:" What is it?"

Germany:" It is about the UN. He acted just not right." Germany is a Pro when it comes to stuff like that,  when he says there is something of, it probably is, but.

EU:" What makes you think that." I was curios, i mean today was a bit Chaotic.

Germany:" He talked wrong." Normally when Germany would say that, i would accept it, but today is different.

EU:" You know Germany, i take it seriously when you say it, but after what happened with him i think he just needs a little bit of time."

Germany:" You don't understand, i don't mean a little bit of, but really wrong, together too that the NASA acted weird." I noticed that too, but i just thought that it is the NASA, he is not really interacting with People often.

EU:" I think you should ad too that today was a strange day, for everyone. But if you really think there is something off, than i of course believe you. But what should i do know, i can't do anything."

Germany:" i wanted to ask, if i were allowed to go the NASA base and peek a little bit." My mouth flew open and i immediately said a little bit angry:" NO. OF COURSE NOT. If he gets you we all are in big trouble, his Base is a forbidden Zone. No one is allowed there and peeking? Germany we talked about that. Just.....ask him." I starred at him and was surprised when he looked at me angry. 

EU:" What?" He looked away and then said:" You didn't need to scream at me, you know. I get it even if you say it normal." I was surprised by that and then said:" I am Sorry, but i was......surprised. Because you should know more than everybody else what rules are."

Germany:" That is why i am here. I could have already left, but i didn't because i just wanted to ask." Whit that he left. He slammed the door and was gone.

I.....was surprised.........of myself. Why did i react that way. I should know the best Germany would never do something like that. I looked at the Door and than out of the Window and said to myself:" I Hate this day."


We got to my Base, it is in a Forest somewhere in Nowhere. But i like it that way. I was driving to the Front Gate and stopped by the Security Guards.

Guard:" ID." I had already an ID Car in my Hand and showed it the Security Guard, he looked at it for a few Seconds and then Asked me:" And the other Person?"

NASA:" He is just a visitor, i allow it." He nodded and then let us Trough.

I parked right in Front of the building and helped the UN out of the Car.

UN:" I remember that Building." I was surprised by that. And then i looked in the Same direction the UN did ,a big Grey, green Building with a lot of Security Guards.

I looked then to the UN and said:" Come we need to go." I was walking to the Door of the Building an the UN followed me. We walked inside and there were a lot of Guards, because this is a Exclusion Zone. Almost Everyone looked at the UN and he looked back. As we entered the Elevator that goes down, i was relieved because all this eyes were too much for me. I hate it to be looked at and the UN is a magnet for that, because he is almost 2,50m. But bevor the Door to the Elevator closed someone glided in. He didn't looked at us and he didn't say anything. As the Door opened again, we all got out and then the Man said:" The Team is Ready." I nodded and the Man left. I know what he meant but i had no idea who he was. Shame on me.

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