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What Will I Do?
Being with you
Makes the flame burn good

It was starting to become pathetic,
And unbearable.

The men stood in the living room, muttering amongst one other, as they cautiously peered over the wall's ledge, into the the kitchen.
Chun-Woo and Chun-Hwa's aunt kept yelling at Chun-Hwa, how was she a gold-digger, pathetic, weak, and the most used insult in her yells, was that she was a slut.

Eventually, the verbal abuse had gotten so bad, the middle age woman raised her hand, slapping Chun-Hwa's cold cheek, with much force.

Erwin stepped out of the living room, to go stop the escalating situation, he very must disliked, but was pulled back by Chul-Woo, who shook his head no.

"This started because she's not getting married to you. You'll just make it worse by stepping in. If anyone should stop it, it should be Levi."
Erwin glanced over the tall boy's shoulder, at a much shorter man, as Chul-Woo spoke.

He didn't seem affected by the words or his name being mentioned. Levi simply stared at the two women in the kitchen, with cold-steel eyes.
It was obviously, to Erwin, he was holding back his rising anger, by the way his jawline became more prominent as he gritted his teeth, tighter and tighter, that the main vein on his neck started to show as well.

Chul-Woo passed a glance at Levi, who simply averted his gaze ever so slightly back at him.
He closed his eyes.
He sighed, so heavily, his shoulders heaved up and down once.

He mumbled with slight annoyance, starting to make his way over there.

Auntie raised her hand, threateningly again, but before she flung her hand across Chun-Hwa's cheek, Levi grabbed her wrist, tightly.
He held himself back, from breaking it.
Though, any wrong move on her part, and his grip would've shattered her arm.

"Please stop that. You're in my house. Learn to behave yourself."
Levi said menacingly, raising a cold-hearted, thin eyebrow of warning towards the woman.

Chun-Hwa, snuggled into Levi's chest, happily, engulfing her senses in his comforting, familiar cologne.
Auntie let out a small, held back laughter of pity, as if to say, the woman was proving her words, that she was in fact pathetic.

The woman's tone was guarded, and strong, showing no signs of backing down. She raised a similar eyebrow at Levi, a smug look plastered on her face, freely. She crossed her arms, showing her disapproval more, if possible.
"But I don't approve of this wedding and your damn father and mother wouldn't approve of it either. And that's for damn sure."

Auntie then walked away, head held high, as she hugged Chul-Woo, tightly, adoringly telling him how he was such a good boy and she was so proud of him.

Levi continued to stare, with his cold, steel eyes, that held no emotion behind them.

Chun-Hwa noticed, tugging on his blazer.
He looked down at her, putting some life back into his empty eyes, as he smiled.

"Let's go talk in our room, before people start coming, alright?"
She nodded.

Chul-Woo let Erwin burrow one of his suit and ties for the party, and as he fixed his collar while looking in the mirror, he glanced back at him, attending to Soo-Ah.

"I don't know how I feel about anything other than navy or black."
Erwin sheepishly admitted, which made Chul-Woo look up from his daughter's face to the mirror.

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