Louis : This is my husband Petter , he only comes at night from work and this is my sweet boy Jeremy he is 11 years old
Paula : This is such a honor to meet you .....i am Paula
Petter : Nice to meet you girl you are welcome here as long as you want
Paula : Thanks i appreciate it
Paula thought that Louis 's husband is nice and gentleman. Wherever, she didn't forget what she came from she said :
- Were can i find the toilet please ?
- Ah ....that is right there ( showing me the place with her finger )
- Thanks i will be back
Paula left her seat and went to a room that she saw it open . She began searching at things without making noises . Paula heard a sound that is approaching to the room , so she hided behind the door with silence . It was a shadow of a men that was Petter . He was looking for something, apparently precious , he opened his coffer he wanted to sheck up on something. Maybe he was afraid if Paula suspected something . Petter left a computer flash on his desktop and returned to the table . Paula took the flash and go to the table again . After dinner , all the family was watching television on the coach while Paula was on her room transforming the file to her own flash quickly so that she can return this thing to where it was . It took to long because it was a video but finally it is over . Everything returned to normal , anyone noticed something. Paula was tired and under stress about what lately happened she slept deeply. In the morning , the girl packed up her things and didn't forget anything important . She said goodbye to all the people.
Paula : Good bye auntie amd Mr Petter i am glad that i came .....maybe next time i will come with my parents
Louis : Of course you are all welcome
Petter : Yes please i will be happy ....
Paula followed the road , then took the bus . She was joyful about what she found , it was a good opportunity to go foreword and approach to the reality.
She was back home . The door opened, she was surprised when she saw her mom worried and took her in her arms . Lilly regretted about the way she acted with her and said :
- I am so soory Paula that i pushed you away . I was severe with you ....i am soory
- No mom it is my fault .....i should of told you before i leave and i shouldn't have acted like that ....i apologize