Chapter 13: you are a Survivor

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Please read as my story has thoughts of suicide and addiction, rape and Ed's, cutting!! Please do not read if any of these titles trigger you

Arizona's point of view

I hadn't seen Meredith but i knew where she was I was too scared to go see her, so I texted Derek and asked what was going on, he said she coded for 4 minutes and was brought back. God poor girl I say under my breath I was with Callie in our apartment. She was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and showered. I brushed my teeth and put a long shirt on. I shut the bedroom door. I walked to the kitchen and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I started eating it. I watched tv in the living room, so that I didn't wake Callie up. I planned on seeing Meredith today so I relaxed a bit and then I heard someone knocking loud on the door. I walked over and opened it. She walked in.

Meredith's point of view

I woke up feeling terrible. My head was hurting and my stomach was absolutely killing me. I winced a little. "Hey what's going on" Derek got up from the chair across the room and came over to me. "Kiss me" he leaned down and kissed my lips. I held his hand. "Please help" I whispered moving his hand to my stomach. He looked at me up and down. He unbuttoned the front part of my gown. He barely traced a line and it hurt really bad. "Owww" he stopped and opened my gown all the way. I was fully naked underneath, but I didn't care. "Meredith you have some redness, but I'm going to give you something" he walked out of the room. I slowly curled up into a ball. He walked back with something and put it in my iv drip. "This should help" he pulled his chair up next to me and held my hand.

Derek's point of view

I gave her a morphine drip to make her be out of pain, but not too high. I moved a piece of her hair out of her face and stared at her beautiful features. I loved her a lot. "Derek please don't leave me" I looked at her face, she was more than serious. "I promise you that I will be with you, I love you and forever will" I caressed her cheek. She scooted over and patted the bed for me to join her. I smiled and slowly got into the bed. I wrapped my arm around her back and she put her head and hand on my chest. I held her close enough for her not to be hurt. I heard her little snores and laughed to myself. She was safe now. I kissed her head and just adored the sight in front of me I didn't want to push her to tell me what happened so I just planned to take it slow and when she is ready she will tell me although I know that she was beaten by that fucking bastard Finn god I want to kill him I say before falling asleep.

Bailey's point of view

I walked into Grey's room and saw Derek and her on the bed. They were both asleep. I went over to check Meredith's vital signs. She looked good, but her heart rate was a little low. I checked her chart and she was given morphine. I knew it was Derek, that boy gets on my nerves. I hit his arm jokingly and he woke up "ow" he looked at me. "Tell me when you give her morphine" he looked at me weird and I smiled "Now comfort her damn it" I hit him with the charts and walked out of the room. I shut the door
and went over to the nurses station. I looked deeper into her charts. I wrote down some notes on what to give her when she's in pain.

Cristina's point of view

Meredith was asleep right now. I went to Arizona's apartment. She opened the door and I walked in. "Where's Callie" I walked into their bedroom.
"Get up" I hit Callie on the arm "hey" I hit her again "okay I'm getting up" she got up and changed. We walked out of the apartment and went to my car. We went to the mall. I brought Callie to the haircut place because she said she wanted a cut. I told them what to do and they cut her hair short. We walked around the mall and I bought myself pretzels. I ate them and we bought some clothes. "Come on let's go" I said "woah okay" Callie smiled as we walked out of the mall. I dropped her off back home and went to McDonald's. I grabbed food. I went to the hospital and went to Meredith's room. She was awake and talking with Derek. I decided to leave them alone for a little while because the look they gave each other, they needed to be alone. I ate my McDonalds at the nurses station. They were all looking at me weird "what don't act like we're friends" I rolled my eyes and kept eating my fries

Derek's point of view

Meredith woke up a little. She slowly opened her eyes. "How was your sleep" I kissed her forehead "I feel a little better, but I keep having dreams about him" she looked into my eyes "Meredith you are a survivor, you are incredibly strong and I will do everything in my power to help you get through this" I held her hand tight in mine. "Bailey kind of yelled at me for the morphine, so I don't think I can give it to you anymore" she started smiling and I heard her little giggle. I got off the bed. "Are you hungry or thirsty" I looked at her "a little bit" I walked out of the room and saw Cristina by the nurse station "I'm going to the cafe" she nodded and handed her McDonald's to a nurse. She walked into Meredith's room. I went down to the cafe. I grabbed a tray and put jello, a cup of soup, juice, pizza, a sandwich, chips, and a brownie on it. I didn't know what she wanted, so I got a variety. I took my time to walk back up to Meredith's room, so that Cristina and her could have time to talk. I saw nurses running and they I dropped all the food. I ran to them as they were going into Meredith's room. "Charge to 300 clear" Cristina shocked Meredith. I felt tears running down my face. She had to be okay.

Jo's point of view

It's had been a couple of day's since the beautiful dirty blonde that had so many scars on her that told a story was found, Meredith was a beautiful name I've never heard it and I hadn't been to visit her because I'm scared I remember when Paul used to beat the shit out of me and I guess this bringing back those horrible memories and probably the fact that I was there when her lifeless body was being brought in my her friends. I heard Arizona and Addison say that Meredith coded the other day and flatlined for 4 minutes and was brought back but she has her people I barely met the girl. She wouldn't want me around her. I laugh at the thought of someone caring for me and continued my work for the day. But I couldn't get her out of my head I had to go see her even if she didn't want to see me I would have at least tried so I went to attending's lounge put on my street clothes and made my way to grey Sloan.

Addison's point of view

I haven't been able to see Meredith due to my busy schedule, I heard she coded the other day but was brought back. Me and jo, Arizona and derek, Christina are the only one's that really know what happened I mean obviously they know she was kidnapped but they don't know that she was raped and was beaten almost every day. I feel bad for the girl she never had a father figure and her mother never wanted her and well I came into her life as Derek's wife. As all these thoughts are running through my head I run into the one and only Charlotte king. God I hate this woman but she starts babbling about I don't know what and then runs off I stand there in confusion because Charlotte was always a bitch she wasn't one to treat people with kindness and today she seems totally lost. Maybe something with cooper?? I don't know but that's not my problem I say walking into the attending's lounge to change into my street clothes and maybe go see Meredith after long and hard thinking I decided to go see her I mean it wouldn't hurt? At least I cared enough to go see her right? I think before walking out to my car and heading to grey Sloan

Narrator's point of view

The 3 them had made it to grey Sloan and made there way to Meredith room only to be greeted by doctors running from every direction Meredith had been coding they all stood if different places watching hopeless as the there "friend" was being stocked by a defibrillator. They dropped they bags and went into the room just as they did the heart monitors went up and  she started seizing they haven't even noticed each other they just screamed what to do. It was only interns and Christina and some doctor they had never seen they obviously didn't know where everybody was but they weren't focused on that they just wanted to help Meredith. They all yelled "push one of epi" but that just as they did she started going into v-fib. They all thought and jo came said she was going into lung failure she had been showing all the signs they quickly rushed to or and started working in her in a completely different hospital from what they were used to. They had been to busy to notice Derek outside hearing every word that came out of there mouth.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter As much as I did and a huge thank you to caelia for curing my writer's block <3

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