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I disappeared completely. I never went home and instead killed people for a one night stay. It felt great to kill again. I traveled the world and tasted all kinds of blood. First I went to California, and they weren't bad. Then Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, and recently Washington. I love to crush their skulls under my foot and watch as the life drains from their eyes. I have a hole in my chest, but killing fills it up for me. Humans are pathetic and useless so now they can be useful and fill the emptiness inside. Tonight I'm following a guy home. He goes inside and I wait a while, then Knock. He opens the door.

"Hi, May I help you?" He asks.

"Actually I was ditched at the club a couple streets down and wanted to know if I could use your phone?"

"Sure, come in."

'Sucker.' I smile and walk in. I try to walk closer to him but can't. I feel like there's a bubble around me.

"I thought so." He smirks at me.

I send him a glare.

"What the hell did you do?!"

He points down and I see a pentagram under my feet.

"Fuck you witch, let me go!"

"Now why would I do that when I can keep such a lovely vampire all to myself."

I begin to bang on the forcefield. With no luck of breaking it. He steps inside and I attack him only to cough up his blood.

"You bastard! You turned your blood into acid." I say still coughing as my blood heals me.

"Aren't you a smart one." He laughs at me and pins me to the invisible wall.

"Now just be good." He whispers in my ear.

I begin to panic. He has all the advantage right now.

"I think someone's gone blood crazy." He says.

He walks out of the large pentagram that's keeping me caged.

"So what." I say feeling much safer.

"How can you kill so many innocent people? I've never understood you vampires. Why don't you just drank animal blood?"

"You wouldn't understand." I hiss.

"Try me."

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I'll listen." He tells me.

"I was raised to kill. And life was perfect but once I started to drink animal blood for a human I fell in love with.......everything fell apart......I've only had bad come from drinking animal blood."

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"I knew you wouldn't understand!" Tears swell in my eyes.

"My love was taken away! My sons hate me! And my newest love hates me! I'm hated by everyone! That's why it doesn't matter if I kill! Everyone already hates me so there's no point in being good anymore!"

"Your lonely." He says.

He sits beside me. I lean my head on his shoulder continuing to cry. I never noticed when I slipped into a deep sleep after crying my eyes out.

I wake to the smell of eggs and bacon. It smells awful. Vampires can eat human food but we dont like it. I notice im laying in a queen sized bed. 'Whats going on here?'

"Glad your awake. Did you have a nice sleep?" The witch walks in and asks me.

"Yeah I think I did." I say suprised with my own words.

"Well come into the kitchen and eat." He says kindly.

"Why are you being so nice? Im a murderer. Dont you care?"

"From what I heard you were raised that way and when your lonely you go on a killing spree to get rid of your feelings."

"And you dont care? Even if im using that as an excuse?"

"Nope. Now come have breakfast."

"Vampires dont eat human food."

"Oh the eggs and bacon is for me. I warmed you up some blood."

"Whos the doner?"

"A random person."

He walks to the kitchen and I follow. 'Why is he doing so much for me?' I question before we arrive in the kitchen and I drank the cup of blood. I think I trust him. I drank the blood hungerly and it tastes great. 'Who donated such yummy blood?'

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So how is everyone liking the story? I thought that I might as well add a witch, plus i have a plan for him :3

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