Chapter 2 Usagi hanging out with her friends

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Usagi leaved her house a bit to go
somewhere else she called her friends
Rei, Ami, Makoto and Minako, just to talk
stuff to distract herself from stress with
the moving out and all, they all
met up in a cafe they all ordered
their drinks and was sitting in a seat

Makoto: so Usagi how is the moving going?
(she asked)

Usagi: honestly it's stressing me out
especially Shingo who still teas me
(she said in a sad tone)

Rei: Mmmm yeah moving out is always
a hard thing (she nodded and was in
deep thoughts)

Minako: i understand how you must be
feeling moving out is a hard thing,
leaving things behind and stuff

Usagi: i love my brother to dead but
he can be so annoying at times

Ami: don't take it personality, your
brother is going through phases
(she reassured Usagi)

Usagi: i know but still, it's so old
now you know!

Rei: oh usagi (she said in a calm tone
and felt so sorry for her, one of her
closest friend being hurt, even
despites their turbulences at times)

Makoto: i'm sure it's nothing serious though
i'm sure he's gonna miss you even though he
doesn't shows it (she comforted her
and rested her hand on her shoulder)

Usagi: he's doing a good job by
teasing me all the times
(she said sarcastic and annoyed)

Minako: he does loves you though
so don't take it way TOO hard on him
(she smiled at Usagi)

Usagi: you're right (she sighed)

Rei: hey now to change the subject
it's been a couple of years since Galaxia
has happened, do you think
we have to save the world soon again?
(she asked and wondered out loud)

Ami: i have no idea but i do hope
it won't happen again anymore
we are in peace for how many years?
4 or 5 years at a most?
(she had no idea if she had answers i
think none of them have answers)

Usagi: me neither, i don't want anything
bad happening neither, i hope it stays as
it is too

Makoto: if the world DOES get in danger
we are ready to fight whoever is behind it
if it starts again (she said with confident)

Rei: yeah we battled many enemies,
monsters and things, i'm sure we'll be
fine if it does happen though

Usagi: you'll never know though
even if it DOES happens

Rei get annoyed at Usagi like the usual
but before Rei could say anything
Ami stopped these 2 and changed their

Ami: okay enough about this before
you girls do anything you'll regret
but did something interesting happened?
(she asked)

Minako: well i did the karaoke and i won
since i sang the best out of all people that
did the karaoke (she said happily)

Usagi: oh my that's great mina
(she said with joy)

Minako: yeah i really loved that

Rei: and? what did you got if you
don't mind me asking?
(she asked interested)

Minako: i'm glad you ask me because
i'm allowed to start a groups band
people offered it

Ami: and did you take that offer
(she asked with joy)

Minako: oh absolutely, they definitely
REALLY really loved that
(she said happily and with exciting)

Usagi: i'm so happy for you (she clapped
with her hands)

the 3 other girls in unison: me too

Ami: when are you gonna start a band
(she asked interested)

Minako: i have no idea honestly

Makoto: well you deserved that since you wanted
to start a band for so long with you by singing

Minako: aw thanks Makoto, i'm happy you're

Ami: don't mention it, we're your friend

Usagi: your life is more interesting then mine

Makoto: oh don't worry Usagi, you can always
visit your family when you have time once
you settled everything in (she cheered her
up and comforted her)

Rei: she's right and besides you get to spend
time with Mamoru and Chibi Usa at anytime
soon though

Usagi sighed nodded

Usagi: did interesting happened
to everyone else (she distract herself
with her moving out and stuff)

Makoto: yeah, i did the flower arranging
and i earned more flowers then usual
so i can go shopping with me earning
more money

Ami: oh wow i'm so happy for you
Makoto (she smiled)

Makoto: thanks ami (she smiled back)

Rei: mine is just like the usual, nothing
interesting happened

Ami: i still studies to become a doctor
just like my mom

Usagi: ah i'm sure you'll become a
doctor once you learned everything
(she said supporting Ami)

Ami: thanks Usagi, and don't worry
about it though

Rei: don't you think you need a break
from it once? you'll tired yourself out
(she said knowing she cares about others)

Ami: don't worry Rei, i have everything
under control

Rei: okay if you say so

Minako: how's Chibi Usa doing though?
(she came to her realization)

Usagi: she's fine, she's at her friends at the

Minako nodded

they talked about stuff after their

busy days with their hobbies and stuff
and that helped Usagi to get her mind
off to focus on something else then
to think about the moving and stuff

okay i can't think up with other things
then this so i leave this for now,
i hope you like this part though ;)

i might have to rewatch each and every
episodes and movies to get some ideas
since i  haven't watched any of them
in like forever!!

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