Chapter 14 Trixie meets Mamoru

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Usagi was feeling miserable once her friends
told her about the situation including
Chibi Usa that's in danger right now, Usagi
told Trixie about Chibi Usa how she's like
but also about her boyfriend Mamoru
Trixie has an idea on her mind from Usagi
it's now 1 day later when Trixie has an
idea with Usagi

Trixie: hey how about going to this Mamoru
you told me about? i'm dying to meet him
(she suggested and the more the merrier
if both Usagi and Mamoru needs help)

Usagi: under this circumstances with
Chibi Usa right now? (she asked Trixie this
and shrugged)

Trixie: why not? even if Chibi Usa is sick
(she raised an eye brow)

Usagi: alright, Chibi Usa might look super
pale so i might aswell let you know

Trixie: i overheard everything earlier
remember? (she said as a reminder to Usagi)

Usagi: right (she nodded)

they goes to Mamoru's while Trixie has questions
to Usagi when it comes to an outer Sailor Scouts
she has never saw from before

Trixie: i have questions for you....about
the other Sailor Scouts (she said calmly)

Usagi: go ahead, what about them?

Trixie: like who are they? can you tell
me some informations, like are they allies?
mean? to name a few (she responded)

Usagi: oh i promise you, they are good people

Trixie: oh tell me about it (she said with interest)

Usagi has told her twin sister everything about
how they met, how she knew they were a
Sailor scout too, how they works as a team
she explained everything to Trixie

finally they arrived at Mamoru's house

~knock knock~

Usagi: it's me and i brought someone with
me too (she responded calmly to Mamoru)

Mamoru: come on in (he responded)

Trixie: great! (she opened the door)

Mamoru: oh pleasure to meet you, what's
your name? (he responded and smiled)

Usagi: this is my sister-

Trixie: the name is Trixie and a long lost
twin of Usagi till recently

Mamoru: nice name, come further

Trixie: i heard about the situation and
Chibi Usa, i'm sorry about her (she said
with sympathy)

Usagi: is she still doing so bad?

Mamoru: unfortunately yes

Trixie: can i see her? i'll be quick (she looked
around to see where the bedroom is where
Chibi Usa is sleeping at)

Mamoru: sure i guess

Usagi: i'll come too

Trixie is worried for Usagi's sake seeing
Chibi Usa's conditions that's doing bad

Trixie: oh no, i see where that concerns is
coming from since she looks kind of......pale
(she said as she's having a sad expression)

Usagi: exactly...i often visit her to see how
she's doing you know? (she sighed sadly)

Diana is keeping an close eye aswell but she
thinks it's about time she joins the others and
keep an close eye to the situation, i mean we
still have Mamoru that can take care of her

Trixie: understandable, i came all the way
here looking for you after i found out i had
a sister out there, and a brother and fought
all the way to find you (she told Usagi)

Diana: her conditions stays the same, me
and Mamoru kept the watch

Trixie: about that, we finally know what's
going on with Chibi Usa and you might
wanna sit down on this one

finally they stepped out of the room and
everyone sat down at the dining room since
Mamoru still has no idea why Chibi Usa is so
sick, the sisters told
them both about the
situation what's 
going on, with the enemy
that's coming 
after Sailor Moon sooner or later
why the crystal thing is in Chibi Usa's body
at this moment and stuff

Mamoru and Diana was in shock Luna and
Artemis already knows about this, and a
pet from Trixie will know about this soon too

they didn't knew what to response but now
they atleast knows what's going on with
Chibi Usa, Mamoru will take her to a
hospital soon to see what they can do
because first he might need to come
and second Chibi Usa is better off there
at the hospital since Mamoru can't do
anything for Chibi Usa for awhile

they all has brought Chibi Usa at a hospital
so she's in good hands, Trixie wanted to
join the others too when they needs her
help and tracks the enemy down and
even stops it from what it is doing

eventually they are out of the hospital
and ready to go home to make plans

Trixie: i'm sure she'll be in good hands
won't you (she started talking)

Usagi: i hope so, i can't handle it
(she sighed with disbelief)

Mamoru and Trixie comforts her and told her
it's all for the best and assured her they can
take care of her and in good hands too

Trixie: it's nice to meet you, i wish it was
on better circumstances though

Mamoru: no problem i hope to see you
soon (he responded)

Trixie: i won't be going anywhere
(she shaked a no as in no worries)

Trixie: remember to take care of yourself
too since your own health comes first
(she said as a wise one)

Mamoru: it's nodded, i live on my own

Trixie: i know but still

Usagi: TRIXIE! (she looked at Trixie)

Mamoru: it's okay, not a big deal
but hey see ya next time

Trixie: see ya!

all of them waved, Usagi goed to her own
house to think up a plan Trixie goes to her
own aswell and calls her pet Lune for the
plans they have to prepare, Trixie told Lune
about Luna, Diana and Artemis that are cats
too and wants to meet them all, Diana
already planned on meeting the others so
Lune is about to go to the 3 of them too
so they can keep an close eye on everything

this is chapter 14, i have all the time for
the world now since i'm on vacation, i mean
isn't it obviously i made a couple of chapters
in a very short amount of times, and i started
to get productive and creative again, i hope
i have this chapter out before going home
to my own country but this still continues!!!

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