Chapter 4 taking care of Chibi Usa

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Mamoru takes care of his house, clean
stuff up and doing financial things
there was a knock at the door
he answers the door and saw Diana
and Chibi Usa at the door

Mamoru: oh hi guys what brings you guys
here (he smiled and asked calmly)

Diana: i didn't want to interrupt you
or anything but something is wrong
with Chibi Usa

Mamoru: huh what is it (he looked

Chibi Usa: no i'm fine really

Diana: no you're obviously not fine
(she protested)

Chibi Usa: what-

Mamoru: just tell me what's wrong
(he started to get worried)

Diana: well she slept at someone
and i was there, she got nightmares then
she started walking in her sleep,
she didn't returned back and
we ended up in a abandoned house
and when she woke up, she got disoriented
not knowing what was happening or
where we were and that is the reason
why we are here (she explained and told
Mamoru everything)

Mamoru: oh no i better inform
Usagi about this so we can both keep
an eye out on her

Diana: thank you Mamoru
i know we can count on you

Mamoru: and thank you for taking care
of her and for being be there for her

Diana: no problem (she smiled)

they both waved and Diana informs
Luna and Artemis and eventually
inform the others

Mamoru: it's a lot to take in (he thought on
his mind)

Mamoru: hey uhm Chibi Usa do you need
anything? (he turned to Chibi Usa)

Chibi Usa: nah i don't think so

Mamoru: alright then, you know where
to find me (he said in a gentle tone)

Chibi Usa nodded

while Chibi Usa tried her best to take
stuff easy for now, Mamoru informs
Usagi about Chibi Usa

while Usagi was out her phone was
ringing so she answered

Usagi: hey Mamoru what's up?

Mamoru: sorry to interrupt but it's
about Chibi Usa (he sighed)

Usagi: oh i hope it's not so bad?

Mamoru: well i don't know how to put
this but something happened to
Chibi Usa and- (but before he could finished
it, it got interrupted by Usagi)

(she kind of panicked not knowing what is
happening to Chibi Usa)

Mamoru: Diana told me everything and
we need to keep an close eye on her

Usagi: okay i'll be on my way

she hang up and went to Mamoru
as soon as possible and waved at
her friends

Rei: what's wrong with Chibi Usa
(she asked to Usagi with concern)

Usagi: i don't exactly know what happened
but i gotta go making sure she's alright
(she sighed)

Makoto: oh good luck Usagi

Minako: tell her we said hi
to her will ya?

Usagi: will do

Ami: hope everything turns
out to be alright

Usagi: Mmmmm (she nodded
as in yes)

all girls in unison: bye bye

Usagi ran to Mamoru as fast
as possible and finally she
arrived and knocked at the door

Mamoru: oh that must be Usago
(he walks at the door and opened
the door)

Mamoru: oh i'm so relieved you could
come at this peaceful day
(he sighed in relief but yet in a
concerned way)

Usagi: of course i'll always make times
if there's emergency now tell me
what's wrong with Chibi Usa?
(she ask with concerns)

Mamoru: can we talk in private not
infront of Chibi Usa? (he sighed)

Usagi: Mmmmm sure

they went to the kitchen while Chibi Usa
was in the other room

Mamoru: well i was doing financial
things and there was a knock at the
door to see Diana and Chibi Usa
at the door

Usagi: and what did Diana said?
(she asked softly)

Mamoru: it was something about her
having nightmares and sleepwalking

Usagi: what? (her mouth and eyes was
wide open)

Mamoru: yeah it's messed up she doesn't
remember anything and she doesn't know
where she was neither (he explained everything)

Usagi: oh no that's so bad, is there anything we can
do about this (she started to get worried)

Mamoru: all we can do is be there for her
and keep an close eye on her
(he suggested to Usagi)

Usagi: okay if you said so but if anything happens
we might need to see an doctor or hospital

Mamoru: i'm sure it's not that serious but if
things get worse we can always make an
appointment with an doctor or hospital
(he reassured her and placed his hands
on her shoulders)

Usagi: oh i sure hope she's alright
(she looked kind of sad)

Mamoru: let's just stay calm and not jump
into conclussions especially infront of her
okay? (he suggested her to keep calm)

Usagi nodded

okay this is a little sad what Chibi Usa went
through, either way i hope you liked it?
this story continues!!!

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