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hollow bone

     THE VISIT WENT BY TOO QUICKLY. Most of her time was spent with Armin, the young boy dragging her around the district and showing her everything she'd missed. She often found herself sitting in the field with her brother and his friends, telling them the more innocent stories of her time in the military.

     Every night she helped her mother make dinner, and she washed the dishes after, just like when she was younger. Her father didn't treat her like he used to; like she was delicate. She was no longer his little girl; she was a soldier, a Scout. She was not delicate, she was dangerous, and she had earned his respect. Her grandfather opened up about his time in the service, though there wasn't much to talk about. He was a Garrison officer for most of his youth, before he had met her grandmother.

     Everything fell back into the same old routine too easily; it was as if she had never left.

     But, like always, time wasn't on Valor's side. Three days passed too quick and before she knew it, she was packing to go back to HQ in Wall Rose. Her mother stood in Valor's doorway, chewing on the inside of her lip. She was smarter than to think there was any chance of convincing her to stay. It didn't mean she didn't want to, though. The last thing she wanted was to send her firstborn into the unknown, wave her goodbye as she went to fight the horrors of the world around them.

     But Valor wasn't a kid any longer. Her husband often reminded her of the fact. She had obligations, a life of her own. She'd made her decision, and all they could do was support her.

     Valor stuffed the last of her things in the green knapsack, tying her cloak around her neck before standing. She grabbed the bag and looked her room over one last time. It felt different this time, not like when she left two years prior. There was a longing feeling, something in her chest whispering to her, begging her not to go.

     She shrugged it off and turned to face her mother, giving her a soft smile and kissing her temple before walking past her. She shook her father's hand as her mother choked back tears, giving her grandfather a warm smile after. The old man clasped her shoulder, nodding to her. He knew he'd see her again before he knew it. Time wouldn't go by so slowly now, he knew. She exited the small house, not knowing it would be the last time she did so.

     Armin waited for her outside, staring down at his feet as she approached him. He promised he'd walk her to the ferry, say goodbye before she went. He was dreading it now. Saying goodbye was hard enough the first time, but it was even harder now.

     "Ready, minnow?" She asked him softly, and he nodded up at her. They walked side by side down the quiet streets, birds chirping above them. It was early, and not many people were awake. It was peaceful, and it made it all the harder to leave. Eren and Mikasa joined them when they got to the village square, Eren blabbing on about how he was going to become a Scout just like Valor when he got older. She sighed internally, looking down at Armin. She never wanted him to follow her like Eren pledged he would. Armin was too soft, too sweet. He didn't need to see the horrors that lay outside the walls. After all, that's the sole reason Valor joined the Scouts; to protect Armin.

     The walk went too quickly and not fifteen minutes later she stood in front of the ferry. The young woman rubbed a hand over her face before turning to Eren ruffling the young boys hair. "Keep out of trouble for me, will you? I won't be here to protect you, and it's not fair to leave it all to Mikasa." She teased, and he narrowed his turquoise eyes.

     "I don't need saving," he grumbled, but his red tipped ears gave him away. Valor laughed softly, smiling down at him. He was the little brother she never asked for, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Next was Mikasa, who she smiled down at fondly. The girl was quiet, but had a heart of gold; Valor couldn't help but have a soft spot for the girl that reminded her so much of herself. The two had grown close in the time Valor had been home, and Mikasa found herself wishing Valor didn't have to leave. She burrowed her soft face into the red scarf wrapped around her neck, and Valor tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

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