More Than Best Friends PT. 2

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"Bet Miro didn't see that coming!" Chuck smiled, wrapping his arm around Trent as we made our way backstage.

Miro has been a big pain in our sides and taking him down was the best feeling ever. Not only did Trent make his surprise return, but I also got to have my fun too whenever I popped out of the claw machine, getting my hands on Penelope, putting her through the air hockey table.

"What about Penelope screaming whenever Y/N popped out?" Orange smirked, "That was hilarious."

"That glass smacking her face was pretty hilarious," Trent chuckled, all of them smiling at me.

"Get revenge on her was too sweet!" I smiled, "Although, my back problems are back to haunt me for the night. That move on the hockey table wasn't so kind to me either."

"Dude, I don't know how you can still wrestle," Trent scoffed, making fun of me, acting like an old lady and hunching over as he groaned, "You're always like, Ow! My back!!"

"Well, considering Jeff Hardy was your favorite wrestler growing up and copying those crazy moves," Orange sighed, "No wonder why your back hurts."

"My back may hurt, but I can still wrestle and I ain't dead yet, so suck it," I smirked, jumping in front of them and DX Chopping them, which we all got a good laugh out of.

After packing up for the night and heading to the hotel, that pain in my back did start to come back again. Once we got to the hotel, I figured I'd take a hot shower to relax my muscles and then lay down, hoping it would help.

That plan didn't work out like I thought it would. I tried doing some exercises in the shower to stretch out my back, the water was so hot and there was so much steam in the room, you'd think I had a sauna going in that room, but there was still some pain in my back.

Whenever I move a certain way, I'd get this shooting pain. It was nothing to worry about. My muscles were just super tense and wouldn't loosen up to save my life.

"You son of a gun!" I groaned, walking out of the bathroom in my robe, that pain coming back when I went to grab my phone off the dress right next to the door.

I made my way to my bed, attempting to rub my back, yelling and cussing at myself from that pain, but I got quiet whenever I heard a knock on my door.

"Hold on a second!' I called out, getting up and going to the door, finding Chuck.

"If you don't take care of your back," Chuck sighed, "I will drag you to the doctor myself."

"My muscles are just tense as hell for no reason! The only way to get around it is by moving!" I explained.

"I can tell by the sauna you have going on in the bathroom," Chuck noticed, meeting my gaze slowly as he said, "If you want, I will be your masseuse again. It's kind of hard to massage your own back."

"You better not make it worse!" I warned, walking back to my bed.

"I helped last time, didn't I?" Chuck reminded me, shutting the door behind him.

"Just come work your magic, Chuck. Please," I begged, feeling that pain again when I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I will do my best to channel my inner masseuse magician," Chuck snickered, sitting behind me, "Lean forward a bit."

Slowly, I leaned forward a bit and it didn't take long for Chuck to work his magic. All the pain went away as he massaged my back, nice and slow, hitting every spot deeply, getting rid of that tense, sharp pain. It was just as good as last time and just like last time, he was getting small moans out of me. I was able to hide them a bit, but he definitely knew and it was like he was working harder to get more out of me.

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