More Than Best Friends? Part 5

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"Tonight is a big night for Y/N! If she can beat Tay Conti, she will be the number one contender for the women's title!" Tony announced over commentary, moments before my match and I definitely had was in game mode.

"Before we know it, we're all going to be champs. You have to kill it out there, tonight!" Trent stressed and the thought of that made me smile:

"All of the best friends as champions? You know I'm not letting that slip away from me, Trent."

"Yeah, Trent," Chuck smiled, wrapping his arm around me, "She's going to kill it out there, like always."

I could feel my cheeks getting hot from my smile, giving Chuck a half hug as he squeezed me a little, our music hitting.

"Time to go give the people what they want," I smiled, heading out first, seeing that Tay was already in the ring.

Tay was an amazing competitor and before our match, we shook hands, showing respect and the. The bell rang and it was really game on.

Just like I thought, it wasn't an easy match. A lot of going back and forth. From straight-up technical wrestling to massive strikes, jumps from the top rope. Our match should have been the main event truthfully. It was hands down, the match of the night.

Thankfully, I had the support of Trent, Chuck, and Orange. Chuck especially, he was so fired up. I think I even heard him call me baby at one point. Either way, I didn't let that distract me but give me more motivation to win.

At the climax of our match, Tay and I were going back and forth with forearm strikes, trying to knock each other down.

Tay ran off the ropes to gain momentum but when she came after me, I jumped over her, quick enough to turn around, grabbing her before she could hit the other ropes, delivering a nasty german suplex.

With her laid out, I took my opportunity to put her down for sure, running to get on the top turnbuckle, performing corkscrew moonsault, pinning her, and winning the match.

I fought hard to win that match, smiling as I raised my fist in the air, hearing Justin announce me as the winner.

"Now that's how you put on a match!" Chuck smiled, helping me stand up, "I knew you'd win!"

I was having one of the best moments I had in AEW, smiling as Trent and Chuck raised both of my hands up. I got to have my own little moment as I got up to the camera saying:

"That titles mine, Shida. I'll see you in the ring!"

And as I backed up, we did our signature hug. Orange, Trent, and Chuck all ready for our huge hug. Even after our hug, Chuck pulled me right into his arms, kissing my forehead, whispering, "I'm so proud of you, baby."

I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but I honestly forgot that we weren't really officially yet and no one knew about us. Not even Trent and Orange and I could tell they had questions by how Chuck was treating me.

I didn't care if they knew truthfully, but it was going to be tricky to explain. At that time, I figured I wouldn't worry about it. I was pretty worn out and the showers were calling my name.

As soon as we got backstage, that's exactly what I did Chuck and Trent had some tag team things to handle, so I took my time, but I was in for it by someone who didn't question me often.

I walked out of the bathroom in one of my tracksuit pants and a T-shirt , still drying my hair with a towel when I saw Orange sitting on the couch, his sunglasses titled down so he could look me in the eye.

"You good man?" I asked, truly concerned, my heart beginning to race a little as he sighed:

"So, you going to tell us or what?"

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