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The three finished eating, Ten pulled Kun out of the table signaling Lucas to not follow them. The younger looked around as he's holding Kun's hand, he then let go.

"So uhm, I think you're in danger, I saw some stuff yesterday, the spider figurine, the wall--"

Kun pulled Ten inside a room, the older hushed him down.

"Lucas might hear you, I know he followed us" Kun whispered.


"What?" Ten whispered back.

"I think I know what you're talking about, I know there are some sketchy stuff happening in this house, and you better keep your mouth shut if you don't want to be involved." Kun explained thoroughly.

"I can't understand what the fuck did I just saw yesterday but I'm pretty sure you're gonna die this year for god knows why." Ten replied.

"Please keep whatever you know to yourself if you don't want to die too, keep yourself alive."

"Can you tell me what is going on?"

"I will never."

The two got out of the room, looking like nothing happened. Ten is trying his hardest to collect himself and leave no trace of suspicion.

They saw Lucas leaning on the wall looking down, Kun was nervous as well as Ten.

Lucas raised his head and chuckled, "Why do you two look so nervous?"

He walked towards them slowly, Kun pulled Ten towards his back.

Lucas grinned, "I've protected you all this years Kun."

"What are you talking about." Kun said in a low tone.

Lucas sighed, "Do you not know your father's rules? If he finds out you two are dating he will kill me!" 

Ten gasped in disbelief but he's also relieved, "Bitch you think were dating? No! Never!"

"I mean, he might like you, I've never seen him so worried about a person before." Lucas laughed out loud.

Lucas patted Kun's shoulder and said, "Just don't get caught, I will not tell your father." the youngest walked away.

Kun let out a loud exhale, "Good lord, I would not like to see him like that again..."

"You almost pissed your pants don't you? That was pretty scary lmao." Ten teased him.

Blood Line ~ kuntenWhere stories live. Discover now