041. Celebration

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~Gracia's POV~

It's two weeks until the last day of school. I am so excited because I get to spend a whole summer with my boyfriend and my friends and family. Also because I'll be a senior next year and I'll soon graduate and go to my state college.

Ash has told me he's been looking at our apartment. I finally agreed to move in with him once we both turn 18. After a talk with my parents and Callie and his dad and Austin, they granted us permission. Oh, I forgot. Mom and Dad came back early from their trip. They plan to stay for a month.

I was sitting on the couch, watching a movie while snacking on some butter popcorn. Callie was at work and my parents were working in the house. So even though I'm not alone, I still feel like I am. I sigh and turn off the tv and walk upstairs into my room.

I sat on my bed and checked my battery percentage and it was on 68%. Good enough. I crunch on this delicious popcorn while on Instagram. Ashton, AJ, Chase and Noah went to celebrate their winning season. He offered me to come but I rejected because it's his team.

I also had finished up our school's yearbook. We have gotten over 47 copies, planning to get more before the school year ends. I checked to see a DM pop up and curiously, I open it.

cutie.alice91: Gracia?

gracia.oconnor: Alice, what do you need?

cute.alice91: I just wanted to apologize about the way I've treated you. School's about to end. Everybody is over that nerdy Gracie thing and I need to let things go. You were right. I was desperate because I had a reputation but I don't want people to look at me that way. I'm truly sorry.

Alice apologizing to me?! She's hated me ever since our freshmen year. Probably because Ashton supposedly did so she was following whatever he did. I refuse to hold grudges, though. I'm a forgiving person, so it's best to forgive her.

gracia.oconnor: I forgive you. Thanks for taking accountability of your actions

After I said my peace, I place my phone down. I grabbed my remote and quickly turned to Netflix to watch something. I turn on 'Ginny and Georgia' since Rena wouldn't quit bothering me about it.

My phone starts ringing and it's Gwen. I smile and pick it up. "Hey Gwennie." I say with a chuckle.

"- Hey, buttercup. What are you up to right now?" She asks.

"Nothing really." I replied. "Why?" I asked.

"- Rena and I wanted to see if you could hang out with us. Well really go to the shed with the boys because Ash is asking about you." She says.

I chuckle. "Let me ask my parents and I'll text you." I tell her.

"- Cool. Bye." She says and hangs up.

I sigh and got up. I walked downstairs into my parents office and they were talking. I softly knocked on the door and their attention goes to me. "Hi, can I come in?" I ask.

"Of course, sweetie." Dad says and I walk in. "What is it you need?" He asks.

"Gwen wants me to hang with her and Rena and I was wondering if I could go. Can I?" I ask.

"Will there be alcohol?" Dad asks.

I chuckle. "Of course not, Dad." I said. Not that I know of. "Don't you guys trust me to not drink alcohol?"

"Yes we do." Mom says. "You are welcome to hang out with your friends as long as you are back by dinner time." She says.

"I will be." I tell her. "Thank you guys."

I walk back upstairs into my room to text Gwen. She tells me she was on her way. I quickly put on my shoes and did something with my hair. I just brushed it out and placed it in pigtails. There's a knock on the door and I grab my phone to get it.

Before I could, Dad opens the door. "How are you ladies?" He asks Gwen and Serena.

"We're good. What about you, Mr. O'Connor?" Gwen asks.

"I'm fine, myself. Keep an eye out for Gracia." He tells them, clearly joking though.

"Will do." Rena says. "Come on, CiCi."

I hug my dad and walk out with Rena and Gwen. We sing to the music that was on the radio and soon we were at the shed, the hangout spot. I missed Ash all day today so I can't wait to see him.

We walk in and Gwen immediately finds Noah and walks to him. I spot Ash speaking with some guys on the football team. I squeal and run to him. I latch myself onto him and he chuckles.

"Well, nice to see you." He smiles. "Guys, I'll catch up with you later." He tells the boys and they nod and walked away. "Hey, my baby." He bends down and kisses my lips.

"Hi." I say and smile. I wrap my arms around his neck. "How was your celebration?" I ask him.

"It was amazing. Glad we finished the season strong." He says.

"I'm glad too." I say. "We sold many copies of the yearbook and me and the mathletes won our competition." I tell him excitedly. "I got a trophie."

"That's amazing. I'm proud of you." He bends down and kiss my lips again. "I can't wait for summer. You know why?" He asks.

I chuckle. "Why?" I ask.

"Because I'll get to spend time with my amazing hot girlfriend." He says and kisses my cheek.

I giggle. "And I get to spend time with my crazy hot boyfriend." I kiss his lips again.

"You got that right." He says. I giggle again.

We stayed there for about another 30 minutes until Ash demanded we get our couples time. He said he missed me all day. He drives me back to his house. Once upstairs, he plays a movie on Netflix and we cuddle together.

"You know what I'm looking forward to next year?" I ask him suddenly.

"Hm, what?" He asks, chewing on a Milky Way chocolate bar. He holds it to my mouth and I take a small bite.

"Getting to move in with you." I tell him. His smile lights up. "I'm so surprised my parents were actually agreeing with it. I mean, they first moved in together when my dad was 18 and my mom was 16."

"So I guess they just didn't wanna feel like they were being hypocrites." He says and I chuckle.

"And they trust you to take good care of me." I tell him.

"Callie's gonna be alone, though." He says.

"Chloe's gonna move in once my grandparents move to Montana." I tell him. "So she'll be with her daughter and I'll still visit often." I say.

"That's cool. Wait, what about babysitting?" He asks.

I chuckle. "Chloe goes to school. She gets back from home the same time Callie gets off of work." I tell him.

"But what if she has to work a late shift?" He asks.

"You ask a lot of questions." I say chuckling. "We're her godparents so if Callie ends up working a late shift, we just pick her up and watch her until Callie gets back."

"We're her godparents?" He asks, surprised.

"Yeah. She signed papers and everything." I say with a chuckle.

We finish the movie and we lay down and cuddled to each other. I sigh and close my eyes, feeling a bit drowsy. I soon texted my mom to let her know I was with Ash. She gave me an okay.

"Babe?" I hear him call.

"Hmm?" I mumble, my eyes closed.

"You're so beautiful." He says and I smile. "And I love you so much."

"I love you too." I tell him and he kisses my head.

I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What else would you like to see? I ran out of ideas, again. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

Also, in celebration of 'Big Time Rush' coming to Netflix, a BTR song that's absolutely one of my favs!

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