Chapter 9: Dance Together

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Rowena just arrived at the gatehouse, she came to the balcony as she now believed what the princesses told her. "The spoilt brats were telling the truth."

She used her spectacles to see closer but it didn't work well. "I wish I could see what's going on."

The gold dust rained on the spectacles as they transformed into binoculars. "Will wonders never cease? Get me some of those flowers." She ordered Brutus, gesturing to the plant beside them.

She then used the binoculars to look at the princesses. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve. All accounted for. How very convenient. Hurry. Opportunity knocks." Brutus struggled to pull the golden flower but he managed to prick two of them out.




"Why would Rowena steal Mother's goblet?" Ashlyn questioned.

"And give it to an apothecary?" Blair also questioned.

"We have to go home and tell Papa." You suggested the idea to the girl, but Courtney stated something that made you have second thoughts about the choice.

"If we leave now, we can never come back."

"Why not?" asked Ashlyn.

"Mother's story. The princess only visited the land three times before it vanished forever."

Their eyes widened as they realized the fact. "I can't imagine never coming back." Blair said with remorse.

"Maybe we can stay just a little longer." Janessa suggested as Lacey nodded.

"Rowena may not think we're proper princesses, but we are princesses. We can't turn our backs when things get difficult. Papa needs us." Your words encouraged and reassured everyone as they all exchanged looks before all of you went to the boat to go home. But suddenly, the boat started to fade away.

"What's happening?!" You exclaimed in shock, the boat was completely gone.




The tile of pink rose got smashed down by Desmond by the order of Rowena. "Smash them. Smash them all. That one next. That one. And that one."




You and Ashlyn went to see that the gatehouse's stairs had completely gone.

"It's all disappearing!" You exclaimed as you exchanged looks with Ashlyn.




All of the 11 tiles got smashed except the last one. "And the last one."

Rowena smirked evilly as she watched Desmond smash the last tile, now, all the princesses would be trapped in that world forever and no one would get in her way to the throne.




The gatehouse disappeared as the last tile was destroyed. "How will we get back?" Edeline asked her twin.

"What are we going to do?" Delia asked back. You frowned in stress as you, Derek, and your sisters were now trapped with no way out. 

(Y/N) and the 12 Dancing Princesses (Derek x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now