Chapter 2: Rowena

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The dark purple carriage arrived at the castle, the gate opened as the carriage went inside and stopped in front of the entrance door. The servant named Desmond walked out before he set the mat on the ground for his duchess to walk.

"My lady." He opened the door before it fell off the hinges. "Oh!" 

Duchess Rowena walked down as she said to him. "Thank you, Desmond." Desmond then tried to put the door back on the hinges as Rowena admired the magnificent castle. "Desmond, my things." 

Desmond turned to her as he finally fixed the door back. "Oh!" He then went to the back of the carriage to pick up his lady's cases.

Brutus, Rowena's pet monkey jumped on top of the carriage before throwing his case on top of the other cases that Desmond carried. "Whoa! Huh?" Desmond looked up before he frowned as Brutus laughed. He then struggled to carry the heavy cases while trying to follow Rowena behind.

"And the carriage, my lady?"

"Oh, we won't be needing it again." Rowena replied before she continued walking. Brutus jumped on the wheel as the carriage completely broke. 

The royal messenger greeted her with a bow. "Welcome, Duchess Rowena. The king is expecting you."

"Yes, he is." Rowena said to him. Brutus hopped beside her, starling the royal messenger. 


"The king doesn't have his own monkey?" She said as she gestured to Brutus. 

"Uh, no, Your Grace." He answered. 

"Well, they're quite popular this year. Come, Brutus." Brutus laughed as he watched Desmond groan while struggling to carry the cases.

Rowena stopped for a moment before she saw the portrait of Queen Isabella, she looked at the table below the portrait before she picked the trinkets up. "Rowena, good of you to come on such short notice." 

She put it down as King Randolph approached and greeted her. "Happy to be of service, dear cousin." She curtseyed to the king as she continued. "I'm looking forward to my time here."

"Come, meet my daughters. They're waiting for you." The king then led Rowena to the throne room as eleven princesses were there, lining from the eldest to the youngest. He introduced Rowena his eldest daughter first. "Ashlyn, the eldest."

"Welcome, Your Grace." Ashlyn curtseyed to her. 

"Gald to be here, my dear." She said impressively. 

"Blair, the second eldest." Blair curtseyed to her as Rowena noticed the stain on the hem of her dress. 

"Is that mud on your skirt?" 

King Randolph and Blair took a look as Blair explained. "I was out riding."

The king then introduced his third one. "Courtney." Blair looked at Courtney who completely ignored the world around her, she tapped her shoulder and got her off her own world. 

"Oh. Hello." She loved her book and curtseyed. 

"Yes. Hello."

"Delia and Edeline."

"Your Grace." Delia said before Edeline said next. 

"Greetings, Your Ladyship."

"And to you." replied Rowena before she walked away. 


"Your Grace." Fallon curtseyed before she noticed Brutus on the ground. "Can I hold him?" 

(Y/N) and the 12 Dancing Princesses (Derek x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now