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Abditory (n.)

A place into which  you can disappear; a hiding place

Amelia POV:

I couldn't go back to sleep so I just stared at the ceiling. I check the time it's 7:40 am and I have to go to work today. I get up and go to the bathroom and take a shower I sigh as the warm water hits my body.

After showering I wrap a towel around my body and walk to my closet to get black ripped jeans, a black tank top, and black ankle-high heel boots. 

After curling my hair and putting on makeup I head downstairs to the dining room to see my father eating his breakfast and looking at his phone. I slowly turn around and start walking out "Amelia" when my father's voice stops me I turn around to see him looking at me. "Yes" I say with annoyance I don't want to talk to him "Sit and eat" I sigh and sit down looking at my plate it has hashbrown, pancakes, and egg. "I'm not hungry" I say looking at him.

"You have to eat"

"I'll eat later"

"Ok" he says handing me a file and I open it.

I skim through it and it's about Oscar Diaz he has a reputation for smuggling illegal drugs and guns in countries he's not allowed in. He bought illegal guns to the city without asking now I have to go make him pay for it. Our mafia doesn't allow just anyone to bring guns to the city were partnered with an origination that provides the things we need.

After we going through the whole file I go upstairs to my room and get my leather jacket. As I start heading back downstairs I see my sister and looked like something was wrong.

"Hey Ivy is everything ok"

"Yeah, I should be asking you if your ok I heard about the arranged marriage" she says I know she changing the subject

"I'm ok and it not like I have a choice"

"I'm sorry it's happening to you well ill let you go" she says walking away I know something wrong. She'll tell me when she ready and ill be there for her. 

I get my keys and go to the front of the house where my car parked. I get in my black BMW and start the engine and head to the warehouse. Once I arrive at the warehouse the garage opens and I park at my spot. I get out of the car and head toward the elevator. When the doors open I go up the stairs to Cora's office shes our hacker.

I knock lightly and I open the door to see Cora typing on her computer "hey Cora I need you to find someone for me" I say sitting down on a chair. "hey Amelia, sure who is it" "Oscar Daiz I need to know where he staying and where his warehouse is." she nods and start typing away and I started thing about the whole arrangement.

I see Cora writing the information I need and a piece of paper and she hands it to me. "thank you" I say getting the piece of paper and standing up and walking out the door to my office. I put in my code to enter and pin the paper to my board along with the other things in the file.

  After setting up everything I call in my assistant and a few moments later she comes in "You called Amelia" "Yes I need you to send someone to follow Oscar Daiz for a couple of days I need to know what he does during the day" she nods and walks out while I sit in my chair.

I open my laptop and start going through emails and approving paperwork. After a couple of hours, I hear a knock "come in" I say and the door opens reveals my father. I look at him then get back to my work "Amelia we need to talk" and when the words came out I knew it was about the arrangement "Then talk".

"Your meeting your future husband on Friday" he says and I stop working and look at him that's in four days. "Can you at least tell who he is?" I ask looking at him.

"Atticus Maxwell Salvatore" he says like nothing. When that name came out of his mouth my heart skipped a beat Atticus Maxwell Salvatore is the leader of the biggest mafia in the world he is fear by everyone and the ones who dare to cross him end up dead.

I look at my father like he was out of his mind "WHAT!" was all I could yell. He kept his head down and he only does that when he knows he did something wrong. He sighs and looks at me "I'm sorry Amelia, the business has been going bad so I turn for help, and in order to get it you have to marry Atticus" he said in a soft tone and I thought I would feel guilty for being angry at him but I wasn't and I really hated him at this moment.

I got my keys and phone and walked out of my office. I couldn't be in the same room as him I go to the elevator to get to the garage. Once the door opens I get in my car and start driving and I didn't know where I was going I just kept driving.

After driving for a while I ended up at our private beach. I park my car and take off my heels and start walking the ocean touching my feet. I sigh just in joying the view and the fresh air. After walking for a while I sit down on the sand. I watched the sun go down and I stayed to watch the moon it's a full moon today.

I check the time and it 10:47 pm. I sigh and get up and start walking to my car. I head home and once I get there and I head straight to the kitchen the chef made pasta my favorite. I warn it up and pour myself red wine and go to the dining table.

While eating I use my phone to go through social media and once I finish eating I hear someone's footsteps. I see a figure leaning against the doorway and I know it's my father's "What do you want" I say clearly not in the mood to talk to him.

He stays silent and his figure starts walking towards me and I realize it's no my dad I slowly reach for my knife strap on my ankle.

Before I could reach it the figure grabs my hand pulling my body towards his. The figure spins me so my back on his front and I realize the figure has a familiar smell on him. I slowly turn my head to look at his face and I realize it's him...

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