HC: What he likes about you

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●Your sass and stubbornness (he loves seeing you roast sb or when you cause some havoc )
●Your confidence (you won't back down from a fight)
●Your looks (mostly your ass, uhh I meant eyes)
●Your smile when he takes you to his favorite places or when you do his fave activities together
●Your Taekwondo skills (you became almost as good as him and he's very proud)
●When you cook for him (especially Korean food)
●When you talk about your country, family, and things you like (he likes seeing your lips move when you talk)
●When you wear something of his
●When you try to speak Korean (if you don't speak it)
●Seeing you on his precious bike

Jin Kazama:
●Your independence since you're a strong woman and don't need someone to help you
●Your hair (he loves smelling and playing with it)
●Your kindness (mostly towards animals, which reminds him of Jun)
●When you're working ( he loves seeing you focus)
●When you talk about your problems (he's a great listener)
●When you listen to him
●Your voice (it soothes him and keeps his Devil away, at least for a while)
●When you try to speak Japanese (if you don't speak it)

Steve Fox:
●Your looks (everything)
●Your voice
●Your witt
●Your boxing skills (he's proud to be your trainer and boyfriend)
●Whenever you talk about your interests
●Your love for pizza (he found his pizza soulmate)
●Your intelligence (you learned to box really quickly)
●When you try to imitate his British accent (unless you're actually British)

Miguel Caballero Rojo:
●Your desire to remain kind even if someone was mean to you
●Your size (you're shorter than him)
●Your curious self (one of the reasons he protects you)
●He loves knowing that you're there for him
●Your interest for foreign languages (he tries to teach you Spanish)
●Your taste in alcohol
●Your taste of fashion
●The fact that you kind of remind him of his sister

Lars Alexandersson:
●Your playfulness
●Your childish side
●Your taste in candy
●Your kindness
●When you call him any of his nicknames
●When you cook Swedish food [I almost wrote Swedes 0_0)
●When he realized that you considered Alisa as a sibling
●When you hear his stories about Yggdrassil and Tekken Force

Forrest Law:
●When you play video games with him
●When you compliment him (he gets flustered but still enjoys it)
●When you make him his favorite snacks/food (Marshall taught you how)
●Seeing you enjoy spending time with his family
●When you defend him when something happens
●When you tell Paul to stop teasing Forrest
●When you have picnics
●When you laugh

Bob Richards:
●When you're proud of him(all the other Tekken boys also like it)
●When you cook (even if you sometimes fail, he loves that you at least tried)
●Your acceptance of the way he is
●Your size
●Your kindness towards anyone
●Seeing you and Julia act like sisters
●Your hands (so small compared to his)
●You mimicking his heroic poses

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