HC:Things that make him jealous

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To put it shortly He gets really jealous.
You are petting a puppy/kitty? He's jealous.
You talk to another man? Jealous again.
He won't show that he's jealous, but he'll wrap his arm around your shoulder and try to establish dominance. If that won't work, you will usually have to drag him away before he starts a fight. If it's an animal he's jealous of,  he will just watch you play with it, wishing that you'll never see it again.

Jin Kazama:
He doesn't get much jealous, but his Devil side tries to make him thing otherwise. If you speak to a man he never met before, he will just watch until the man does something he doesn't like. If the man you're talking to flirts with you, Jin will wrap his arms around you and tell the man off. Usually the other man leaves and if not Jin drags him away from you. If it's an animal, he won't do anything.

Steve Fox:
In comparison to his friend Hwoarang, he might be the total opposite. He barely gets jealous of anyone or anything and you're happy he does. There is only one thing that makes him jealous and that is if someone else is boxing with you, but he won't do anything in order to not upset you.

Miguel Caballero Rojo:
Just like Hwoarang, he also gets really jealous. But instead of trying to establish dominance, he straight up punches the other man. If you're petting an animal he will join you and won't be jealous.

Lars Alexandersson:
He doesn't mind when a man talks to you. But if the man touches you, there's a problem. Lars will tell the man that you're together and will tell him off.  It usually works, but when it doesn't Lars just keeps telling him to leave. If there's an animal around,  Lars will watch you play with it until he can't resist and goes  to play with it too.

Forrest Law:
Forrest is a cinnamon roll that doesn't get jealous. He's a bit naive and won't be able to to tell if someone is flirting with you. You usually have to push the other man away, but if Forrest sees that you're uncomfortable with him he'll tell him off.  You will be the one who's a bit jealous of the animal, but you won't hesitate if Forrest let's you play with it too.

Bob Richards:
He's pretty much the same with Forrest, except he can tell when someone flirts with you. He will watch you play with the animal  and will be as gentle as he can with it so that he doesn't hurt it.

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