Chapter 5: Back to the Beginning

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Hibachi considered this a moment too long. Liz gripped the boy under his arms and jumped, even though she was exhausted. The erasers jumped at her, but she forced her wings to flap, slowly bringing the two up to a tree branch. Liz stops. She was thoroughly beat. She slipped the bindings off her feet, glad to be free.

She gently shakes the boy's shoulder.

"Please wake up. Come on, wake up! Open your eyes, twitch a finger, do something! Just, wake up," Liz said. She felt for a pulse. He was still alive, but not waking up. Liz sighed and sat with her back against the trunk, watching over the boy. She refused to let her eyes close, but the night had been hard, and she was tired. Her eyelids drooped shut, and she fell asleep.

Liz opened her eyes to see a little face with blue eyes staring right back at her. They were almost touching noses.

"Ack!" Liz kicked out, accidentally throwing herself off the branch. Her sore wings automatically snapped out, and she flapped back up.

"Sorry," the little boy said. Liz huffed. "Whats your name?" he asked.

"I'm Liz," she answered. "We need to go back to the school..." she trailed off. She had no idea where they were. "Wait here," she growled, and started climbing the tree, since her wings were sore. The bandages were still around her head and arm. Finally she reached the top, glad to feel the breeze on her skin. She took a deep breath of the cool air, and scanned the horizon for anything that seemed familiar. She saw a small town, or at least a couple buildings. At the most, it was a gas station and she could use the phone. She got the general direction and climbed back to the boy.

"We're going this way," she proclaimed, pointing North.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip, brought to you by Doctor Who and the fact that I am super lazy ~~~~~~~~~

The two kids reached the town, and Liz knew immediately that something was wrong. She whipped her hand out, gripping the boy's, who's name she learned on the way was Jones, wrist.

"Ow," he whined.

"Shush," she snapped. "Something's not right." The boy blinked, and the TVs in the store at the end of the street blinked on, blaring noise and news into the empty street. Almost immediately, erasers poured out in wolf form.

"Oi!" Liz groaned. "Alright, we're gone." She turned around, dragging Jones behind her, when Magneto stepped out of the forest.

"Hello again, my dear," he greeted.

"Damn it!" she hissed, yanking Jones towards her.

"Tsk tsk, you're a bit young to be using that language, aren't you?" Magneto asked.

"And you're a bit old to be talking to me," Liz shot back, spreading her wings. She took a peek over her shoulder, to see erasers running towards them. "Well, I have to go, need to be home before dark, y'know." She darted past him, almost running into Mystique.

"You've got to be kidding me!" she yelled. Liz just tried to shove Mystique out of the way. Mystique grabbed onto the back of Liz's shirt, dragging her down as well.

"Jones! Run!" she shrieked. She was angry with herself for not being able to fight off these mutants, or protect the kid. Jones' eyes widened in shock at the whole situation. He quickly turned tail and sped away.

(A/N: Sorry that this is so short, I'm dying of writer's block! Ideas will come, give them time. If you're patient enough to wait nine years.... Anyhew! Just kidding about that. So, until next time, my Sparkly Unicorn Muffins! Don't bail on meh, I'm sowwy!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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