Chapter 4: Gone?

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   (A/N: Finally got to update!! Yeeaassss!!!)

    Liz's POV:

'Aah, freedom! The wind in my hair, my feathers! The feeling of having some private time-'  I look down to see a small crowd of kids, along with Storm, staring up at me. I frown. This is not what I had in mind when I thought 'private time'. Not even close, actually...

As it turns out, I seem to have many fans! People are grinning like idiots at me, which I find kinda creepy, and-

Is that a black SUV I see? As a matter o' fact it is! Speeding down the road too fast. Time for me to save the day, I suppose. I think I might be too young for a job as a super-hero... Oh well. I pour on an impressive 20 miles per hour. Almost at once I meet with the SUV, and land on the hood, surprising many erasers. Their expressions soon turn to smirks as they realize how dumb I am. And I'm just realizing this, too. Whoops, too late. No refunds. I would hate to be those erasers, though. They drove a little too fast, and are now almost right at the School for Gifted Youngsters' gates. I grinned at them through the darkened wind shield just as they starting filing out of the vehicle. I expertly pop my neck with two twists of it, and launch myself at the first eraser. I feel my fists connect with his face, and the satisfying sound of something breaking. Probably his nose, which now seemed way crooked. He howled in pain and dropped to the ground like a dead fly. Naturally, I was charged by two others, who I let collide into each other after jumping high into the air. I swear, it was just like a cartoon.

I got distracted for too long. Large, furry hands Grabbed me by my arms. I lashed out, feeling my fist connect with it's face. A different one, of course.

3rd Person POV:

 Liz crouches as another eraser swings a punch, but she can't dodge the kick that she receives to the ribs. It knocks the breath out of her, and she barely manages to roll over before the eraser stomps his foot where her stomach would have been. Her eyes fly open as yet another eraser grabs her shoulders and stuffs her into a burlap sack.

"Lemme go! Lemme go, you fat fur face!" she screams. The eraser smirks and is about to head back into the black SUV when the metal ear-pieces in his ear and the others' start getting yanked out, as if an invisible hand were pulling each one out. Then the devices start molding together. A man in a rusty-red helmet comes out from the bushes that surround the battle scene, followed by a blue lady, a guy with porcupine quills coming from his back, the back of his head, and a few on his face. There was also a short guy with goggles on that looked a little greenish.

Of course, Liz couldn't see this. She was writhing in the sack, shouting insults at the erasers.

"Let her go and you won't suffer the consequences," the guy with the helmet says. At first, Liz thought that it was Charles, but then she realizes that this voice was a little deeper than his, and her blood ran cold.

"Who's there? Who is that?!" Liz demands, her voice muffled by the scratchy fabric. She's thrown into the back of the SUV. She quickly pushes the sack open, just in time for her to see the doors bang shut. Liz hits her fists against the doors as hard as she can, but nobody hears, or nobody cares. She backs up, and takes a running start before she slams her shoulder into the doors. They move a little, but still don't open. She tries a second time... a third time... a fourth time... and it works! She busts out of the black vehicle and spreads her wings. Liz swoops into a tree, waiting until it's over, which doesn't take long. Pretty soon the newcomers have the erasers running for the hills! Or, technically, driving for the hills. Whatever.

Liz waits to make her great escape, but the people know that she's still there.

"Come on out, my dear. We won't hurt you," the guy with the helmet calls out. Liz crouches lower on her branch, not paying attention to the pine needles that are digging into her hands and face as she peers down at the strangers.

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