2. The Part Where I Fall Asleep the Moment I Get the Keys Through the Door.

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The bam-wham-thank-you-ma'am part was from "satin shirts"
I'm not funny enough to come up with that on my own hahahahahahahhaa.

Vroom vroom...vroom.

I say thank you to the man after he fills up my gas tank, and I gleefully drive away. He was sweet, I'm happy to never see him again though. He was on my ass to leave...

During my drive home I loudly sang. I just sang my heart out to any upbeat song that occurred on the radio, and I wouldn't give two shits about whether or not some 14 year old was snapchatting her friends about how hilarious I looked. I was jamming my fucking soul out man. With my fabulous car, and horrible, but now working, radio, I was on top of the world honey.

I pull up my car to my beloved home. The home I literally live alone in, at the current age of 19. You see, my sister is 16, and her boyfriend is 18. Yeah... I know, pretty big gap of a maturity level in there, but things got a little...uh..."bam, wham, thank you ma'am"y one day at a party, and they've been happily together ever since. Anywho, I grabbed my keys from the passenger seat's pocket, and I got out of my car. I walked over to my lawn, over to my door, and plugged the key inside of the lock. The door welcomed me in the first second i pushed it forward. Home Sweet Home. I dropped myself onto the first couch available and fell asleep. I didn't even notice that it was 3 AM.

I slept for a literal 14 hours.

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