41 reads!! You guys are making me FANGIRL. Thank you to those who all voted! 7!!!! It made my night completely. You don't even know how happy I was to see that flutter onto my screen :).
This chapter will be on the narrator's dream process though, just for a little definition on what really goes on through her head...and I haven't considered an official name for her yet, so you won't be hearing it for a little longer. Comment some recommendations if you're feelin' up for it. Once again, THANk YOU SO MUCH! COWKFWKKWKVKRKKKWLVLWP.S. All these details are part of the narrator. The fact that someone is wearing a black shirt might be a future reference, or it could be something that randomly stuck to her head. If she doesn't know a word, it will describe bits of her personality and the way she thinks. I want you to get her to know her, so I can have you all think through the cliffhangers more clearly. Mwahahaha...my prologue to the torture these stories always manage to create.
----------------------------------------------------------(4 a m )
I'm still asleep and I am perfectly aware that this is a dream and that I can control anything that happens. I'm in the target store, and all the details surrounding me are perfectly put together. Red, white, brown. Everything was there, but yet it was all more like a backround. Like there's splotches of color that I can't see except to the carts and the floor. A Starbucks was right in front of me...along with a target food kiosk connecting with it. The Pokemon card set up was still southeast to me, and there were still people moving like I was none of their business. It was my normal Target store and it wasn't cold for once. It felt like I had no reason to think about why I was there, so I just let it be that way. I could just observe...and I liked that. Nobody thought about me. I never understood why these moments were like that. The floor had...the...what would you call them? The brown marks. I can only define those by pointing them out at people. You can see the lines within each other block. Don't you call those organic lines in the art world or something like that? I hardly remember anything from 7th grade.
There was a black lady, I'm not racist I promise, I like describing with detail, with brown eyes and her hair was in a tired ponytail. Really skinny, like someone I imagined from The Help. Haven't read that book in a while. She looked like a mother...and she was. The second I knew it, a baby in a little carriage appeared in the seat those carts served at stores. So serious, but so calming. No sound was anywhere.
She looked emotional...divorce? She looked away as if I affected her. Oh well, my wonder wasn't gonna help her after all, unless she needed a pitiful stare down from me.
The mental-screen went black for a little bit. Relaxing.
(8 a m )
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Of course
My iPhone is at 9% battery.
I can't look on Instagram anymore.
My life is over.I'm getting bored.
Oops, 8%.
OH NO OH NO STAY ALIVE.You know, I can just yell at somebody to go charge it for me
Guess that won't happen...
The little motherfucker has me at 7%.
I don't know if you've noticed miss IPhone,
But it's pretty hard to live without you being charged.
You're too tough to live with.
Note the sarcasm6%
Cool.I'm tired of this.
*Grabs fairy wand from jeans pocket and taps phone*.
(1:30 p m )
Privileged I must say this little kid is. A big circle and a teacher telling us to make a giant prompt. Ugh, I felt my happiness while I procrastinated. Now it's time for the regret to pour in. Except. It doesn't take long to make it. You know what? I'm gonna go finish it right now. I take my hands and sassily pump up my fake fro. My skin was blue, awesome!
(3 p m )
I jumped into the glassed tube. A man yelled something in my ear. The sound was so loud from the wind just passing through my ears, and it was one of the craziest experiences I'd probably ever remember. I forgot I was dreaming. A crazy course of events happened after that, and every-time something dramatic happened it brightened my mood. A dragon started throwing fireballs like a little boy's tantrum, and all of these golf carts were running away frantically onto the road. I started laughing, they looked like ants hahahahahahaha. This would look like a tumblr post.
I was too lazy to think about the rest. It was forgotten the second it all occurred.
(4 p m )
I flash back to a time that I regret more than any form of procrastination. I'm done with that. Utterly done.
(5 p m ) she's awoken
My eyes slowly opened, and my first thought wasn't about how sore I was feeling, or the fact that the sunlight was totally killing my eyes at the moment. I felt groggy, and shitty. Like I made my own vibe kill itself. Wasn't how you'd wake up on a happy day.
I don't know how to put it. What do hang overs feel like? This is probably the minimal version. I didn't feel like I was happy. I think some happy music might perk me up a little though. I took about a minute looking on spotify, and I eventually chose to play "The Dancing Song" by Little Comets with a few clicks of my phone. I looked at the battery to see 9%. Familiar, but all the same it's time to put myself in the panic mode. I ran over to the charger and plugged it into the only remaining outlet in my bathroom. I wiped off the imaginary sweat collecting on my forehead.
"Mama-meeaa." God, I am such a Luigi.
I switched my focus to the music and I started clapping my hands and tapping my feet all over the place. I mean, I do believe that if you're happy for a day, somewhere in your life you have to replace it with a sad one, but I wasn't in the mood to get back what I taken. I'm too spiritual for that. It could've been from when I was sleeping though. I don't remember any of it, just like I don't remember any of my dreams, but maybe I just killed the mood when I didn't mean to.
Within seconds, my thoughts collapsed and the music engulfed me into a dance episode. I didn't feel so shitty anymore.
But also as a note: everything, even the smallest details, are part of either her personality or part of the future. And her dreams switch around a lot for a reason too. I'm a firm believer that people never dream about just one thing for all the hours of the night haha, so I made sure to do just that.