16. Escape

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I flinched violently away from the door as I heard his voice. When I looked through my peeping place I saw Jae looking directly at me. His face was blank which made it hard for me to read him.

I slowly made my way into the room already knowing I was going to pay dearly go being out of 'my room'. I stopped in from of him and all he did was continued to stare at me blankly.

I stared at him awkwardly feeling the need to bury myself. The room remained quiet for a few more moments until I decided to break it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it again as he interrupted me.

"I-I wanted to see my son." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

"And may I ask who gave you the permission to get out of your room and come and see him?" He asked rudely as if I was not even the mother of my own son.

"I don't need permission to see my own son." This time I said confidently feeling my blood boil that he was speaking to me this way.

"Well you need permission since you are in my house." He said blankly.

"I did not chose to be in your house! In case you forgot I was forced here after you freaking kidnapped my child!" I whisper yelled not wanting to wake my baby.

Before he could say anything two of his guards walked into the room and held me. When I looked back at Jae he was smiling smugly.

"For disobeying me, you are going to get one hell of a punishment." He giggled as I started struggling.

"Please let me hold my baby. Please just this once. I beg you. I'm sorry for disobeying you." I started crying still trying to break away from their grips as they dragged me away. I just wanted my baby.

"It does not work like that Y/N. Now boys get her out of here before she wakes the baby up. Make sure to teach her a very good lesson but not too harsh though.~Bye Y/N~" he sang out and waved before the door closed.

I started kick and thrashing even harder.


I waited for the signal as our snipers took out Park's guards. Everything was going accordingly so far and I hoped it would continue this way until I got Y/N and my son back.

"Kook, it's time to head in." Yoongi hyung said as the last of the guards dropped dead on the ground. My other men began surrounding the main house.

I walked carefully through the back door as the others followed. Everything was was dead silent with only our shoes making a few taps here and there. My silencer was already in place preparing myself to take out anyone who came in the way to disrupt my mission.

The guys and I separated as we got to the hallways without any problems. I searched a few of the rooms around there but found no clue of my son or Y/N.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" A voice boomed from a room in the further end if the hallway. I flinched a bit from the sudden scream.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was Y/N's voice. I carefully rushed toward the room. My blood was beginning to boil as I heard her whispers and soft cries.

I burst into the room catching the guards by surprise. Before they could react I had shot both the guards in the head. I then turned my sight to Y/N but soon felt like my heart was being torn at how beaten up she was.

He head was hanging low and I could see her blood dripping. Her clothes were torn and were wet from both blood and water. She also looked very thin and pale.

"Y/N..." I whispered as my voice cracked. I fought back the tears as she raised her head to look at me with her broken yet emotionless eyes.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I examined her face filled with bruises and cuts and her cheeks co bed in tears.

"Baby..." I whispered again rushing to her and bringing her into my embrace.

She flinched when I held her. Her fragile body feeling so small in my arms now. I felt her begin to shake which made me realize that she was crying. I tightened my hold her and she gradually began to hug me back.

"P-please g-ge-t my b-ba-by ba-ck." She said barely above a whisper but I managed to catch on to it.

"Don't worry love, I will get him out of here and put an end all of this today. I promise."I told sternly and kissed a firm kiss on her forehead.

After that I picked her up ready to walk out of the room but was cut off when Namjoon hyung walked into the room.

"Kook, we need to get out of here. They spotted one of our men and are sending backup." He reported worridly.

"Hyung I need to get the baby back. Please get Y/N out of here while I get Yeonjung." I responded as I handed her to him. Before he could protest I ran out the room to go find my son.

I searched all the rooms I found along the way until I found the one Park was in. I peeked in and found him playing with my son. My heart started racing as I saw my baby for the first time in person.

He was giggle as Park was tickling him. My heart was filled with joy as he continued to laugh but knowing that I had never even played with him killed my joy and brought gloom over my features.

I slowly got my head into the game and snuck up to park until I was behind him. When Yeonjung saw me he started giggling even more. I smiled a bit before hitting Jae the back of the head with butt of my gun.

Before Jae's body could fall  on the baby I quickly picked him up. A sensation suddenly ran through my body as I looked at my baby in the eyes for the first time.

His big doe eyes shined like the stars and he was the most precious thing I had ever seen. A tear rolled done my cheek as I placed a peck on his forehead.

I was finally holding my son...

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