Chapter 5

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Chpater 5 [ JB = Jake Bieber (o.O) ]

Jane’s POV

~I can smell the scent of alcohol

(the type that you will find in the hospital or clinic… not the other one okay???)

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head as I was trying to sit….

Then I bumped my head to something hard

OUCH! I looked at it….. wait is that…. (O_o)

(o_o)… IS that…



(O_O) is that JUSTIN BIEBER?!

“OMG!...OMG!...ahhhhh!!! I love your voice!!!! You are SOOooo.. amazing!!!!!

I’m your biggest fan! I LOVE you soo much!!! AHHHH!! (^_^)” I yelled at Justin Bieber… his expression showed that he was completely puzzled

“uhmmmm…. I love you too???... YES I do!!” JB replied…

~ weird he sounded like Jake…

That soft, music-to-the ear….voice of jake… but nothing like Justin Bieber’s


WAIT?!.. I snapped back to reality and I saw Jake…

Did I seriously say that I Love him??!!! (o.O)

Or it was just in my mind???! OMG!! I’m going to faint again.. (-_-)

This is So not happening!!!!! Ughhhh!!! (>_<)

“Jane are you okay????” jake asked

“hamana….hamana…hamana…” was all that I replied

~ If you watch spongebob you’ll get this… hahahaha…

okay .. this no time for laughing…(-_-)

 “uhhh.. Hi Jake, you didn’t hear what I said right???

It was just in my thoughts right??

Yes?? Please say Yes?!” I said begging

“Actually you said it out loud” Jake said grinning at me..

“ok.. I can explain…” I tried

“No need to explain… I knew it from the first time we’ve met….That you liked me” Jake said teasingly

“No! That is not the reason!” I retorted and hit him on the arm slightly

“oh.. is that so???” he asked beaming a smile

“yup… if you just listen to me..” I said rolling my eyes

“okay..sige makikinig na po” he said and took a chair and set it infront of the clinic bed

Ohh… because of that ‘I thought Jake was Justin Bieber’ incident I forgot to look around..

Well, now.. I can see that I’m in the school’s clinic… what happened??? Why am I here??

“you, see when I woke up… I was still a bit giddy.. so when I first saw you I thought you were Justin Bieber…” I explained to him

“ohhh… you like JB???” he asked

“ahhh yup… (kinda (^_^) )” I said sitting up straight

“ohhh… gwapo ba si JB???” he asked once is that relevant to our conversation?

That Should Be MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon