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"We met less than a week ago and in that time I've done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance...all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I'm able." Marissa Meyer, Scarlet



While Alex enjoyed English tea, their food, however, was often quite disappointing. It seemed that these people couldn't enjoy their meals unless every element was boiled beyond recognition and the cooks had never heard of any foreign herbs or spices.

Still, a boiled beef stew did satiate a hungry stomach, even if Alex did need to feed himself rather stiffly. For a brief moment, Alex was thankful that his only thoughts were on his food, and not on what he knew was inevitable.

How he had battled with his conscience in ways that he had never battled before, and in such a short amount of time as well. How quickly that woman had gotten under his skin. In no time at all, Susanna had shown herself to be a woman blessed with a big heart which was so open.

Alex had never felt conflict to this degree before. He had been so good at separating his actions from his conscience, convincing himself that the good outweighed the bad. Everything he did, and would do, was for the safety and future of his mother, and that made it alright. Or at least it had.

Alex knew that he would hate himself, forever hate himself, for injuring Susanna Beresford, and all he could do was hope and pray that her heart was big enough to heal. To heal and to forget that she had ever crossed paths with him.

Len had promised him. One last time. One last con and he was free. Alex would have all the money that he needed to take his mother away from their poverty in Haiti and establish themselves comfortably in the luxury they deserved after so many years of brutal, inhuman hardship.

Susanna would survive this. His mother wouldn't. Alex had not heard from her since he had left Haiti. Like him, she had never been afforded a basic education and so writing was impossible. All he had to go on was that his prayers each night were answered, and she would be right where he had left her when he finally found his way back to her.

Maybe, Alex thought sadly, maybe one day, after he had hired himself a tutor in order to learn, he would write a letter to Susanna explaining everything. He wondered if she would ever find it in her big heart to forgive him.

He could only hope that she would take heed of his words. He hoped that Susanna would protect herself.

Len barged into Alex's room without bothering to knock, wearing an all too pleased grin on his face. His eyes searched the room briefly before they settled on Alex at his little table. He quickly occupied the other chair.

"She rejected you, eh?" he challenged mockingly. "That was not the young lady I encountered today. Did she come here to see you?"

Alex knew that Len would have approached him with this sooner or later considering Susanna had mentioned running into Len in the park.

"Yes, she was here," confirmed Alex quietly.

Len let out a gleeful noise, one that Alex had certainly never heard before as he slapped Alex's forearm excitedly. It was an area which was certainly bruised, and Alex sucked in a hiss. Len ignored him, or simply did not notice. "Oh, oh, my friend," he said enthusiastically. "Oh, she is a sitting duck! Yours for the taking! The look on her face today, you should have seen it! I don't think I've ever seen a girl so besotted so soon! This is going to be easier than I thought!"

Alex could see in the depths of Len's eyes that he was already spending Susanna's money in his head. Len was not a clever man with his money. Not in the way that he made investments or thought of the future. He was a frivolous spender, and indulged in fine food, drink, and clothing. Len would enjoy his life in luxury until the last penny was spent. Alex often wondered how Len could remain so unaffected by what they did.

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