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"Kenma!" Stopping my board, I hear Kuroo yell from a far. Watching as he approaches, "Why do you always leave me in the dust?"

"Maybe you shouldn't be so slow?" I question, taking out my headphones and place them in my pocket. "But anyways, what? I was kinda vibing."

"Right, the circle is meeting up again tonight, I was wondering if you were going to show up because we are going to a new spot tonight."

"A new spot? What's wrong with our regular spot?"

"Yaku wants to bring one of his friends and he said they have a better spot, so I need to know if you're going so I can stop by your house to show where it's at."

"Yeah, I'll go.. anyways come on we're going to be late." I say as I get back on my board and head to school with Kuroo.

I wonder who Yaku's friend is, he's never brought someone to the circle before. And why is their spot better than ours?

It's whatever, so it's going to most likely be me, Kuroo, Akaashi, Yaku, Yaku's friend, and probably Suna.

Once we get to the school we stop our boards and go our separate ways to our classes. Considering it's Friday my classes didn't do much, so I spent most of my hours on either my phone or hand held console.

Once lunch rolled around I decided to ask Yaku about his friend since he has never mentioned them before.

"Hey Yaku?" I say walking up to him.

"Yeah? What's up Kenma?" He asked back, turning around to face me.

"Your friend, do they go here?"

"Oh, yeah, she goes here. But she's usually in her club room most free periods. Oh, and she's actually in your year, so you might know her."


"Yeah, but anyways I told her I would meet her for lunch, so I gotta go. See you at practice."

"Yeah, see you then." I say walking back over to the volleyball table, "She's in my year..?" I murmur approaching the table.

"Hey Kenma, where's Yaku going?" Lev asks.

"He went to go go hang out with his friend." I say back.

"The friend we are supposed to meet tonight?" Kuroo questions.

"Yeah, apparently she's usually always in her club room and she's in my year." I say placing my food in the table, sitting down.

The other guys were aware of the circle but swore to not say anything, and most of them weren't interested in it anyways.

"Huh, so you might know her then?" Yamamoto asked.

"Maybe, I don't really pay attention to the people in my year."

"You don't pay attention to anyone besides us.. and that's only sometimes." Kuroo comments.

"Kuroo, shut up." I say back flicking some of my food at him.

"Hey! Don't get all hostile about it!" He said flicking the bit of food off himself and and the floor.

The rest of lunch was mostly spent either talking about volleyball or some uninteresting conversation, though I wasn't really paying attention.


Ugh, why does practice have to be so boring.. why was this day so boring in general. I just wanna go home change out of my school uniform and go this new circle place.

Thank god practice was ending, just have to help clean up and we'll be ready to go.

After clean up and dressing out of our gym clothes we all went our sperate ways, and I left a bit before Kuroo so I could make sure I'm ready. If he needed anything important he would text me.

On my way home I was listening to this playlist I found on spotify- "psychopathic/ murder vibes" weird name, but it has some good songs.

I finally make it home and come to a stop, taking my headphones out and put them in my pocket. I leave my skateboard outside since I'll be leaving again soon anyways.

Once inside I find that nobody's home, never are it seems like.. so I just go up to room and get ready.

I put on some of my simple street clothes and some jewelry. Some black jeans with my dark grey hoodie and Vans. My jewelry was simple as well, just a few rings on either hand, some silver chains and other necklaces, and my two kandi bracelets that I made one time because I was bored.

Once I was dressed I got my backpack out of the closet and made sure everything was in it. My extra water bottle, a half a pack of cigarettes- I'll have to get some more soon- my bit of weed, my dab pen, some disposable puff bars, and some snacks.

Once I knew everything was in there, I went to my fridge and grabbed a few monsters, tossing them in my bag before I headed out the door.

Once outside I grabbed my board and saw Kuroo just leaving his house too.

"Perfect timing." He says walking to the street just infront of my house.

"No joke, where do you parents think you're going?" I ask.

"They think I'm going to hang out around town with Yaku, which I mean isn't totally a lie. What about yours?" He says back.

"They're not home, and besides they think I'm always with you anyways. If it was really that bad they would text or call me." I reply getting on my board.

"True, ok are you ready to go? Got everything?" He questioned also getting on his board.

"Yeah, I have everything, let's go." I say following close behind him as we made our way to town.

We were taking a few unfamiliar turns to our normal route. And after about 15-20 minutes Kuroo started to slow down. We were on the edge of town by an abandoned sub way station.

"Here we are." Kuroo says coming to a complete stop infront of the steps.

"This place?" I ask also stopping ym board and picking it up.

"Yeah, this is where Yaku said it was so, come on." He waved as he started to go the steps.

"Whatever.." I say following behind, but I decide to take out my phone for the flashlight. I flash it toward the walls, they where covered in paintings of flora and fauna. There were some words and sayings around, imbedded into the art that was carefully placed on the walls.

The farther we got the more there was, it was more dispersed on the stairs but once on the floor of the station it was everywhere. It was a true masterpiece.

Then as I was admiring the art we come across a door that seemed to have light behind it, as well as some small talk that could barely be heard.

"This must be it." Kuroo says stopping infront of the door.

"Yeah ok." I reply back turning off my flashlight, "Well let's go in I guess."

Kuroo nodded in agreement and opened the door, revealing the room behind it.

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