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"Clay, wake u- oh god!" A thick British accent filled the room followed by another pair of feet entering the room.

"Tell em to leave." My face pushed into Clay's chest as he breathed heavily into my hair.

"We're trying to sleep, go away."

"Big night last night Clay?" A muffled laugh was over taken by a loud holler of laughter beside me.

"Oh fuck off, I got laid big deal. Get out and make some breakfast, Y/n is warm." My brows frowned slightly as I softly hit his chest with my fist.

"Be nice. I think what he meant is, can you please go? We're trying to sleep in." My head raised slightly to talk to the 2 other men in the room, making Clay grumbled as his head fell.

"Sorry Y/n, how do you like your tea?" I smiled at the shorter boy in front of me.

"Two sugars, I'll get his fat ass out of bed just give us 10 more minutes." They both nodded making their way out a closing the door.

"Morning." Clay mumbled slightly pressing a soft kiss to the top of my nose. I smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek in return.

"Morning lover boy, 10 more minutes then we're getting out of bed." He nodded in agreement pulling me back into a close hug.

Clay had already fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me in his bone crunching hug, I on the other hand was still awake. Trying to think back to last nights events, failing miserably.

"C, you have to wake up, my cuppa is probably going cold." He frowned pushing off of me rolling to the other side.

" 'm going sleep." I sighed, a dopy smile on my face as I reached for a hoodie on the ground. Pulling on my lace underwear from last night and giving the blonde a kiss on the nose which caused him to smile on his sleep.

"Morning boys, how'd you sleep?" My voice was slightly deeper and scratchy from the events that took place last night.

"Surprisingly good, what time did you and Clay dock in?"

"Um, I'm not sure. Maybe 12ish?" It was more of a question than an answer but the boys nodded.

"Baby you light up my world like no body else." I heard a the shorter one mumble as he searched his fridge for food.

"Do you all live here together?"

"Me and Clay live together, George is visiting from Britain."

"I knew I heard an accent, what was your name sorry?"

"I'm Nick, but I mostly go by Sapnap."

"Is it an online name, or just a nickname that's stuck with you?

"Both I guess, we're all YouTubers." I smiled as I listened to Nick talk about his shared passion with the other two boys in the house, taking sips for my hot tea every so often.

"Morning." I deep voice interrupted the conversation, their arms slipping around my waist.

"Morning to you too, what a sip?" I raised the cup of tea to his lips. He smiled at me taking the cup in his hands letting at a sigh as the hot liquid entered his mouth.

"Thank you." He kissed the top of my head handing the cup back to me.

"So for what I've heard you're a pretty big deal, Clay. Or as the Tommy kid would say, Big D."

"Oh my god, you fuckfaces. Out of all the nicknames you told her that one." Clay groaned loudly, throwing his head back in frustration.

"Follow me m'lady." Clay groaned pulling me close.

"No she's mine, I want cuddles."

"Clay, how old is Y/n?" Nick spoke clearly, a mocking undertone in his voice.

"I'm 21 why?"

"Clay here is also 21. He's a looker isn't he?" I nodded with a smile.

"Ok enough with all this cute stuff! Your local gay is here, how good is he in bed?" George grabbed my hand pulling me to the couch.

"Gogy..? Did you come out to us just so you could take about how good I am at sex?" I muffled a laugh at the blondes wording, George just nodded his head slowly.

"Yes? Come on get with the times, next topic."

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