Arc 1 Chapter 4: The "Lion King" and "The Demi-Human Strategist"

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Currently walking through the capitol streets was Royal Guardsmen Alexis Pendragon.

After walking back to the Barracks, Alexis was fitted for a royal guard outfit and officially became the first Demi-human to be accepted into the Elite

Of course, nobody protested after seeing her to be found worthy by the Dragon Sword.

(Felix has yet to start his internship with the Royal Guard which starts ten days before the Argyle Situation which is two years before Subaru arrives)

She was currently walking through the Capitol streets to visit the slums. She wanted to visit two friends of hers there.

When walking to the loot house, she saw how the situation at the slums have changed.

While most people still didn't have jobs to fall back on and relied on stealing, at least the housing and hydration states have improved to the point where people at least have the chance to drag themselves out of the pit that was starvation and no money.

Of course this was only made possible due to the many holy coins Alexis donated to the Brotherhood from working on job requests.

She had arrived at the loothouse she was looking for when a voice spoke up behind her.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing over here?"

The voice that spoke had a hint of a cheeky tone with a large amount of wariness in her voice.

Alexis turned around and when the person saw her face, it morphed into immense surprise.

"Alexis!?! What are you doing in the Royal Guard outfit?"

The person that spoke had longish blond hair with red eyes. She had a canine tooth as she stared at Alexis with shock."

Alexis could only chuckle exasperated as she sighed.

"I....lost a bet. As well a duel."

Felt's face changed to recognition.

"So that was the blur I saw earlier in the day! You actually lost?!"

Felt's surprise was backed up by much evidence.

Alexis has met Felt when she tried to steal from her. Alexis has promptly chased her down and got her money back. Alexis has helped Felt many times when she visited the slums. Whether it be from brokering a deal or hiding Felt when she stole from a pompous asshole.

"Yeah, it was a really close fight though. I managed to disarm the Sword Saint. He was a bit faster than me and got the advantage."

Rather than showing shock at the opponent's identity, Felt merely contemplated in deep thought before responding.

"Yeah...I suppose the kingdoms strongest warrior could win against you."

"What does that mean?"

" day I saw him running an errand for a shopkeeper. It was raining and when he carried the produce inside, not a single drop was on it. I don't think the rain even hit him."

Alexis could only think to herself with a barely hidden shocked look.

"I'm so glad I had the Authority of ???"

Felt then walked past Alexis as she knocked on the door.

A deep and gruff voice answered.

"To the giant rats?..."

"We give poison."

"To the dead white whale?...."

"We bring a butchers knife."

"To our most honorable great dragon?..."

"We say, 'Burn in hell.'"

To each of Rom's special questions, a specific answer had to be said. Felt knew the password and Alexis couldn't be bothered to remember it. She did try and screwed the password so badly Rom just said for her to threaten to knock down the door as her password.

The door to the loothouse creaked open and Roms face appeared through.

Felt decided to answer with a joke.

"Sorry Old Man Rom, a royal guard found me and made me lead her back here."

"Rom catching sight of Alexis who gave him a sheepish smile scoffed in hidden laughter.

"Then I suppose we'll have to treat her as a guest who we must give all our greatest treasures."

Alexis chuckled quietly as she entered the loothouse.

"While I don't like being in the guard, this uniform does feel really nice. Just need to make one with a different color and I'll be set."

Rom slid Felt and Alexis each a cup of milk as took his usual place behind the bar with his club ominously looming hanging beside him.

"Eh, I don't really have a problem with it. Just give us a heads up when the Royal Guard comes knocking on the door."

"Well we'll see about that." Alexis responded as she finished her milk before stretching her arms out. "I just might be able to keep them from here yet."

Felt decided to start the conversation with a question seeing as Alexis was in a weaker state then the last time she saw her.

"How much effort did you use? Your the most exhausted I've ever seen you been since ever."

Alexis put her head in her arms as she rested while speaking in a muffled voice.

"Enough to make me collapse from exhaustion, I lasted long enough to stay conscious but that's about it."

Rom looked at Alexis with a worried tone in his voice.

"You sure your alright?"

"Yeah, some rest and a bunch of food will fix me up." Alexis spoke as she got up. "I'd like to talk more but I need to go tell my friends outside the capitol about this. I'll see you both later."

"See yah!" Felt said as she waved her hand.

"Live Strong." Rom said as he watched as Alexis left.

After the interaction with Felt and Rom, Alexis walked over to a merchant camp where she knew a friend of hers would drive her.

"Otto!" Alexis said with a happy tone in her voice. A sense of foreboding was felt only by Otto. "I need you to drive me to some places!"

Otto Suwen was one of Alexis's favorite friends. He had long grey hair, sharp blue eyes, and a fair skin tone. He wore a green, belted wardrobe, and dark green hood held up by a red bow. He also wore a green Ushanka with a white feather.

Said Ushanka was now dripping with alcohol as Alexis's voice has startled Otto into spilling his drink onto his drying Ushanka which had just recently been washed from a previous alcohol spillage.

"AHHH! What have you done? I was just drying this and now it's soaked in alcohol again!"

(The story behind how Alexis met Otto will be a hilarious one.)

"It'll be fine Otto! I just need you for a week or so!"

Otto shivered even more as he recounted their past "adventures" filled with much screaming from him and a carriage rolling away as quickly as possible.

Alexis then grabbed Otto as she sat him by the drivers seat with her sitting next to him.

"Come on buddy it's fine! Worst comes to worst whatever attacks will go for you first!"

"That doesn't give me much reassurances!"

Otto's pained cries and Alexis's happy laughs followed across the camp as the two drove off.

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