Ch.2: One Night Down

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(Valerie's POV)
When I opened the door, I caught a glimpse of a small redheaded girl.

She was standing on a wooden chair and hanging up various photographs of horses, nature, and smiling people who were likely her family and friends next to her bed. As soon as she heard the door creak, she paused and turned around to look at me.

"Hi!" I beamed at her. "Are you my roommate?"

"Umm, hi," The girl blushed and smiled back. "I guess so. What's your name?" Good, she seemed sweet so far. Staying here with her might not be bad, but that's just a first impression. She could be an absolute bitch.

I walked inside my dorm and sat on a small white loveseat that the redheaded girl must have put there.

"I'm Val. Well, Valerie, but most people call me Val. What's your name?"

"Luna. Nice to meet you, Val." Luna climbed down from the chair she was standing on and plopped down on it, facing right towards me.

Both of us sort of just swung our legs back and forth and stared at each other for a few seconds. Luna had the most adorable little baby face, bright hazel eyes (like me), and freckles. She looked so... innocent. I decided to talk to break the awkward silence, I was very talkative, after all.

"I love the furniture and decorations you put in here, they look wonderful!"

"Thank you... I actually just took most of them out of my room and brought them here." She smiled, but her voice was soft. She seemed quite shy, like she wasn't used to talking to other people. I hoped she'd get over that, I'm an extremely social person and I would constantly have friends over (once I made some).

"Same here! I actually still need to unpack, do you mind helping me out? We can get to know each other better while we move stuff around."

Luna nodded, so I led her outside to the parking lot. Candi had moved her car much closer to the dorms, which meant that it was likely she was already back at her dorm as well. Thank God for that, I didn't want to have to wait for her to finish at the booths until she was able to move her car, I wanted to start unpacking immediately.

I opened up the trunk to reveal the crowded mess of boxes. It was a horrible mistake to only travel here with Candi's car, as both of our boxes were in the car and neither of us had labeled them. It would take forever to decide which items were mine and which were Candi's!

Damn it, we really should've thought that through.

I was just pulling a small box out of the truck when I could make out two voices talking. I immediately recognized the loud, high-pitched voice as Candi's, but there was another deeper female voice that I didn't recognize. Whoever Candi was talking to, it sounded like they were laughing.

I peered my head around the side of the car and saw Candi and another girl walking towards her car, probably to the trunk where Luna and I were.

The girl that Candi was with was taller than her, which actually isn't hard to do at all, since Candi is only 5'1. The girl also had voluminous, teal hair that was tucked off to the side of her head. She had smoky, dark makeup which complimented her icy, blue eyes extraordinarily well.

I also noticed that the girl had an eyebrow piercing and a few tattoos here and there, though at the distance I was at, it was hard to make out what she had inked on herself. Even though she looked quite gothic from appearance, she was wearing a surprisingly normal outfit consisting of a pink shirt and white sweatpants.

Candi noticed me peering over the edge of the car at once. She shouted my name, abandoned the "goth" girl, and ran over to give me a hug. Luna and the girl stood there and looked each other in the eyes as if to say, "get a load of these two".

"Who's this?" Candi pointed to Luna, who was smiling at her shyly.

"Candi, I'd like you to meet my roommate, Luna." I put my arm around smiling Luna, who brushed it off in annoyance.

"Hi, Luna! It's so awesome to meet you!" Candi gave Luna a big hug. Luna clearly wasn't comfortable with other people touching her, as while Candi was hugging her, she formed an expression on her face that was similar to the one she would make if Candi had just randomly proposed to her.

"Who's your friend?" I asked Candi, gesturing to the girl she was with.

"I'm Rachel," the girl replied.

"Rachel is my roommate, and we were actually just coming out to my car to unpack. I guess that's what you two are doing?" Candi giggled her high-pitched giggle that I know far too well, the giggle that would make Annoying Orange cover his ear holes.

"Yeah! Since you guys are here now, let's all help each other unpack."

"Okay," Rachel agreed.

All four of us girls moved mine and Candi's boxes upstairs to our dorms. Luna and Rachel had both gotten there earlier, so all of their boxes were already in their dorms. A majority
of them were completely unpacked, as well.

As I helped Candi move some of her boxes into her dorm, I couldn't help but notice the posters Rachel had hanging up on her side of the bedroom.

While I either didn't recognize or listen to most of them, she had posters of some of my favorite bands, including My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, Fall Out Boy, Mayday Parade, All Time Low, Marianas Trench, and even the greatest of them all:

5 Seconds of Summer. That was when I knew Rachel and I would get along just fine, it's always easy to make friends with someone who has as fabulous of a taste in music as yourself.

Soon enough, we had already moved 90% of our boxes out of the car and upstairs and Candi and I were just chilling in her dorm. Rachel had mentioned that she had to use the restroom, but I had absolutely no idea where Luna had run off to.

Out of the blue, I heard a quiet knock on the door.

Candi had heard it just as well as I did, and she had gotten out of her seat to answer the door before I could move a muscle.

I was expecting Candi to answer the door to one or both of our roommates, but no, that wasn't the case. At the door stood two guys and one girl.

"Hello?" Candi seemed pleasantly surprised to see them standing there.

"Hi. Do you need any help bringing your boxes into your dorm?" A tall, pale, brunette boy offered.

Oh, thanks a lot for offering to help us right now. After we were already close to finishing. Sarcasm alert.

"Hi! No thank you, we're already almost done. But I appreciate you asking!" Candi smiled politely.

"You're welcome, we'd be happy to help you if you ever need anything!" A girl with thick-rimmed glasses and a long, black braid bellowed. Candi waved to the trio as they walked away and shut the door behind them.

I had heard somewhere that the school had always sent out upperclassmen to help the freshmen unpack... I guess that was them that had just arrived at Candi's door.

At about 5 pm, I was finally done unpacking my boxes and putting all of my furniture into my dorm. I sighed with relief and jumped onto my zebra-print-comforted bed. I was hoping to meet more people and explore the campus further, but I was grey with tiredness from all of the unpacking.

Before I even had the chance to blink, I was sleeping like a baby, makeup and all.
Hey, lovelies! I just want to apologize for not regularly updating this book. I've been very busy with school and other recreational activities, but now I'm out for Spring break and I'll be able to dedicate much more time and attention into it. I hope you all understand. :)

On an unrelated note, Living Louder by The Cab just came on the radio and I'm going to wake up my entire household with my loud, obnoxious singing.

xx ~ιяωιηмαgι¢ιαη

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