Chapter 35: Happy Easter

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Narrator- Hi, so right now I have a really bad headache, for some reason can't be around sun, because my head would start to hurt badly and also Happy Easter, I am currently sad, because my mom and sister always bring up the fact my dog Chloe might die soon, and it would be hard to replace my dog.

Narrator again

Narrator- Now I had to move so, I got her when I was 14 years old, and I had a dog growing up, and I won't say the name of the dog I had before, due to no longer, having it, but anyways I hate this whole pandemic because normally I would see my family on this special day, like my grandparents but now I can't..

Narrator- Tomorrow is Easter Monday, so I am adding this as a 2 part for the Easter Week and than moving on.

Narrator- Now I wish you all a Happ Easter and I almost said Merry Christmas when its not Christmas in April, but lets get into the chapter.

Now still with the Narrator

Narrator- Its going to jump back from Natasha aka me, the narrator and Madison, so the first half of the 2 chapters are going to be Natasha in this story then Madison and now onto Natasha's part before Madison's part of the chapter.

Back to the story

Natasha is in her room eating her donut that was mini eggs from tims and her coffee thinking about saying texting her dad and say Happy Easter

Natasha texts saying

Happy Easter Dad.-Natasha

Natasha texts her dad

She starts to walk down the stairs and her mom hands her the Easter Chocolate

Natasha- I know, my heart does want to go and eat Chocolate, but I had lot these few days, and I had chocolate last night.

Natasha said 

She walks right back upstairs 

Natasha- I wonder, what we are going to do on Easter Monday, I mean normally, today I would get all ready, to spend more time, with my grandparents and other family, for a bit.

Natasha said sounding sad

Natasha- I know, I have such a headache right now, I hate waking up, it was like 10am, sleeping with my dog the night, before and I am sad, because I, never want to wake up with my dog, Chloe dying, I would miss her so much, it is going to be hard to let go, I have lost so many people, can't lose a pet, and I lost my rabbit, on my birthday.

Back with the narrator

Narrator- I did, have  a rabbit, when I was younger name Snowball, the bunny died when it was my birthday, I don't know how this happen, and I would be devasted if I woke up, and Chloe is no longer alive.

Back onto the story

Natasha goes back upstairs to eat her donut and drink her coffee but she tells her mom she has a headache when she comes home from playing basketball with her sister and her boyfriend after she tries to get rid of it

Natasha- I know, some people don't understand waking up to the text.

Natasha said 

Natasha- I should say Happy Easter, to my best friend.

Natasha texts her friend saying

Hey..S, just wanted to say and wish you. A Very Happy & Safe Easter.-Natasha

Natasha said again

Natasha- I should say it again.

Happy Easter.-Natasha

Natasha gets really board and snapchats 

Natasha- Nobody wants to talk ok.

Natasha loves having Easter but she gets super board

Natasha clearly gets sad

Natasha- I wish this whole pandemic did not start.

Natasha- I did already, eat some of my diary milk fruit and nut chocolate.

Natasha did say

Natasha- I was going to clean up and then do a YouTube, video after brushing my hair but I have a bad headache, so won't do that.

Natasha-Easter should be more happy and exciting, why is it so boring?

Natasha asked

Natasha- Who eats ice cream, before supper? I don't and I know, I don't.

Natasha goes to leave

Natasha goes through her phases but she does decide to wake up and smell the coffee, but before she does that she does get ready for the day

Also back with the narrator

Narrator- Tomorrow, is the last chapter, again for Easter Monday coming at night, time around 10pm or in the mornings, I don't know but not Tuesday until some point after I am done, doing something with my sister so, this is a 2 parter, chapter.

Narrator- We have not seen the last of Madison yet..

Back to the story

Natasha- Hi, thanks for being there for me, Sarah.

Natasha said 

Natasha- I hope, everyone did have a good easter.

Back with the narrator 

Narrator- Comment if you want me to continue writing these chapters, for holidays anyways, sorry for the short Easter one, another chapter is coming tomorrow, for the last Easter update, chapter, its going to be called Easter Monday.

So Stay Tune

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