stuck in dreamland

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Amber's pov: I was so heartbroken that father had died that I refused to eat or sleep this is all just a nightmare I'll soon wake up and it'll all be a dream I thought closing my eyes

In her dream

3rd person pov

She was currently 9 years old she ran up to her father and hugged him while he showered her in kisses "I love you my little cherry" he said

"I love you too daddy" she said in her child like voice she wanted to stay in her sleep forever so she'd stay with her father

Meanwhile in reality

Merlin's pov: me and the rest of the fearless 7 were walking to golden goose Avenue but everyone looked so sorrowful

"What happened" hans asked "didn't you hear apparently the king died last night" said a random villager the king died

"How" Jack asked "apparently it was during his daughters wedding" the random villager said walking away from us

"The family must be devastated" pino said "the mother" said noki "and the princess's" said kio Amber would be devastated

I saw some black smoke coming from the castle "what's going on" Arthur said "let's go find out" I said as we ran towards the castle

Snow's pov: I was going to wake up Amber "Amber mom said you haven't been eating why don't you come down and eat" I said

There was no answer "I'm coming in" I said as I opened the door she was still asleep "amber it's time to wake up" I said gently

"Amber?" I said shaking her gently I checked her pulse she's still breathing but she won't open her eyes "amber" I said shaking her more rough like

"Amber wake up I don't like this joke please stop acting like aunt aurora" I said she still wouldn't stir from her rest I gasped horrified

She had a black mark on her neck the mark of death "MOM" I screamed going to get her I opened her door "what's wrong snow" she asked

"Amber she's she wants to join father the black mark of death is on her neck" I said crying her eyes widened in fear "no" she said as she ran out of the room to go see Amber

I went with her mom held her hand while I was checking her temperature "she's burning up" I said crying mom was crying too

"No no please sweetheart don't go I don't want you to leave us" mother cried and begged for her to stay away from the darkness

Merlin's pov: we ran towards the castle and thorns appeared around it "now how do we get in" Jack asked I tried looking for a solution

"I guess we'll have to fight our way through" I said as monsters of darkness surrounded us I used my spell talisman on the group

But they seemed to regenerate from my attack "how is that possible" Arthur said "someone must be slipping into darkness" I said

I saw a fox come out of nowhere and blew fire out of its mouth but it was white fire is it supposed to be purifying them

I saw a fox come out of nowhere and blew fire out of its mouth but it was white fire is it supposed to be purifying them

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The fox turned towards the thorns and blew the fire on them as well the door opened and there was more dark monsters

We were surrounded yet again I saw the fox's hair stick up from it's body kinda like a cat it started to glow and transform into something

We were surrounded yet again I saw the fox's hair stick up from it's body kinda like a cat it started to glow and transform into something

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He turned into a majestic blue fox with nine tails white flames coming off of his tails and spewing the white fire from his mouth

"This place seems to be getting more and more dangerous as long as we go even further and further down into the castle" I said

"Perhaps we could be of assistance" a mysterious voice said as a gust of wind and white fire flew right past us we saw two girls standing there

"Hello my name is Beverly and this is my younger sister melody" the one in the pink outfit was cheery and bright while the other one was quiet and mysterious

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"Hello my name is Beverly and this is my younger sister melody" the one in the pink outfit was cheery and bright while the other one was quiet and mysterious

"Hello my name is Beverly and this is my younger sister melody" the one in the pink outfit was cheery and bright while the other one was quiet and mysterious

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"Enough Beverly we have to get to Amber before she slips into darkness" melody said I froze Amber was the one on deaths door no that can't be

We raced through the castle and beat all the monsters in a flash we raced through the dark monsters and made it when we heard screaming

"Someone help we're trapped in here" we were now in front of a locked room "can't you get out" I yelled "no it's stuck we can't get out" the girl yelled

Have to find a way to break the door down "Arthur your the strongest break the door down" I said "why do I have to break it down" he said

"Don't argue with me just do it" I yelled angrily "get away from the door we're going to break the door down" I yelled towards the door

"Altogether now" I yelled as we all rushed to break down the door "again harder" I said as we began to feel the door loosen

"Now" I yelled as we all went and broke the door down the mother and sister of Amber were being crowded by the dark monsters

Amber was being covered in dark smoke I could see the black mark of death surrounding her melody used wind to blow the darkness away

We defeated all the dark monsters from inside the room but the black smoke didn't clear away from Amber "can't you clear it away" I asked Beverly and melody shook there heads

"It'll only make it worse the only way to go in is someone to go by themselves" Beverly said as she gestured towards the black smoke "ok I'll go then" I said as I carefully entered

I saw Amber but she didn't have the black mark of death she looked completely different than before her eyes were completely pitch black just what exactly happened to her

To be continued...

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