A near kiss

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Amber's pov: I was in the barn crying my eyes out I can't believe I just ran out of their crying and didn't say anything else

"Amber" I heard my name being called I turned to see Merlin "hey you ok I'm sorry about making you cry" he said apologizing

"No it's ok" I said wiping the tears away from my eyes "you just gave me quite a shock I didn't know you were still alive" he said

"Well I would've thought the great prince merlin of the fearless 7 would've figured it out by now" I said his eyes widened

"How did you know it was..." He said "blue button up chestnut brown hair hazel eyes I kinda pieced it together on my own" I said

"Oh are we really that obvious looking" he said "well I only know that my brunette haired companion hasn't figured it out yet" I said

"Can we talk about something else please" I said "well ok" he said we started talking about all types of things until

"You should've seen the look on that guys face when you blew them away with your magic" he said my smile fell from my face

"Is that how you see people" I asked "with my eyes?" He said "no your always judging others by the way they look" I said

"Well you already know I'm not supposed to be stumpy and green" he said "I already know what you look like" I said

"Besides I think this little version of you is much more tolerable" I said "hey" he said putting his hands on his waist "I'm just kidding" I said giggling

"Didn't seem like that" he said crossing his arms "close your eyes I'm sure something about me will seem familiar" he said

I closed my eyes and felt a shadow looming over "actually I think I do feel something familiar" I said "really" Merlin said

"Eyes open or closed your still the same Merlin to me tell me what am I to you" I asked "Your a gift a gift that will transform me into something amazing" he said

I opened my eyes and he was leaned in with puckered lips "hey merlin I opened my eyes" I said crossing my arms and smirking

He looked away while whistling I rolled my eyes playfully "right" he said getting up "we should get some sleep c'mon" he said

3rd person pov

Prince average and his guards ate some apples that Regina gave them and they turned into big giant wooden creatures not even a mother would love

The next day

Amber's pov: the triplets made a copy machine to copy the picture of snow white's father "but this thing ain't flying" the triplets said

I saw the broom that merlin was trying to take out "you need help" I asked "no I got this" he said I put a hand on it and pulled it out with ease which made merlin fall backwards

Me and Merlin flew the broom through the air with the robot merlin seemed to be holding on for dear life until I put my arms around him

He relaxed and he even put his hands in the air "this is amazing" I said "I know it's like anything is possible" he said he wasn't paying attention though

"Merlin, MERLIN we're going to crash into that tree" I yelled getting Merlin's attention and we fell from the broom onto a branch and fell from the branch

He was still snuggled up to my arm "Merlin, MERLIN" I said he woke up and got off of me "sorry anyway we need to go this way" he said

"So how'd you turn into a dwarf anyway" I asked "well we got cursed by the fairy princess how were we supposed to know that she looked like a witch" he said

"Well as the saying goes "don't judge a book by it's cover" haven't people told you that" I said "well yeah... I mean duh" he said he's so silly I closed my eyes and leaned in and so did he

I stopped him with my pointer finger "you didn't think it'd be so easy did you" I said "what" he said completely baffled "your gonna have to try harder than that to win my affection" I said

We heard a crash and three giant wooden creatures came out of nowhere "run" Merlin said and we ran away from them

"Close your eyes" Merlin said "now isn't the time for kissing Merlin" I said "just do it" he said as the rock was blasted into a million pieces

"Don't turn around you see that tree I want you to go towards it on my signal" he said "now" I ran as fast as I could I hope merlin will be ok

After awhile I heard him say "alright Amber take a look" he said until I saw a giant wooden arm about to grab him "Merlin" I said

It grabbed him and dragged him to the bottom of the lake I went in to swim after him I tried pulling it off but then I transformed into my water form

It grabbed him and dragged him to the bottom of the lake I went in to swim after him I tried pulling it off but then I transformed into my water form

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I pulled the boulder off of him and dragged him onto the surface and saw the three tiny wooden bears from before

They gasped when they saw me "princess Amber" one of them said I was exhausted I couldn't stay awake for much longer so I passed out

3rd person pov

Regina was watching from her mirror "what she was princess rainbow this entire time no wonder she's the dead princess" regina the evil witch said

"But wait that despair filled girl has some magic I need to make shoes that will make me beautiful forever" Regina said

Author suddenly dropped in "that's not in the movie script stick to your lines" she said "oh shut up" regina said breaking the fourth wall

"I have half the mind to remove ypu from the story completely" the author said "you wouldn't dare" Regina said "try me" the author said they argued for awhile until it time skipped to Amber and Merlin

elemental princess (Merlin love story red shoes and the seven dwarfs)Where stories live. Discover now