chapter 2

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Konan and Yahiko had walked for miles until Yahiko finally decided to rest for the night.

They had been walking sun up to sun down without any breaks.

Yahiko droned on about reconstructing the hidden rain till finally talking himself to sleep.

Konan laid a blanket over him in the cave that reminded her of the one they lived in when they were younger. A small wood pile was flickering with a few flames in the center, providing just enough light to make out the surroundings. And their packs were laying off to the side. They had no blanket nor mattress. Only the few flames kept them warm. Yahiko didn't want to 'waste time' providing something that was simply a want and not an essential.

He had been persistent the entire day.

Konan sighed to herself as she added a few sheets of paper to the fire causing it to flicker a little more, before laying down on her side. She wanted to rest her head on Yahiko's broad shoulder and spill to him all her troubles, how much she had missed him. But he was already to deep asleep for that.

They woke up in the morning and without stopping to eat, they continued to walk the eternity of the day.

Yahiko finally acknowledged their growling stomachs and stopped to eat. But automatically got up and continued their journey.

They traveled like this for several more days till they had at last arrived at the Hidden rain. They were wary about the newcomers but didn't say anything. They were aggressively punched around but they went through with it.

However, Konan didn't like the shown disrespect, and split off part of her cloak into multiple sheets of paper, sending them in origami butterflies around the village.

Yahiko looked curious for a moment, before they stopped to rest at an inn.

Yahiko Pov-

I was curious about how the people looked in wonder and respect at konan and the origami butterflies as if they were sent from heaven. I also notice origami angles. I decided to ask Konan about it when we entered the inn.

Sure enough, there was an origami angle on the nightstand.

"Konan, all this origami, do you play a part in this?"

"When Nagato was alive, he would send chakra infused rain through the village. It told him what was happening. Any dilemmas, fights, occurrences, he always knew. He was considered a god here, he was god level too with his rinnegan. I was supposedly the angle that walked with him-"

Konan revealed large origami wings that lifted her slightly above the ground.

"Hanging a origami angle was is believed to bring good luck. That their belief in me will protect them."

I saw a tear trickle from her eye as she turned away. Picking up the origami angle and shredding it.
I watched as the bits of meaningless paper drifted towards the floor. 

"I made my paper waterproof to suit Nagato's rain. But against all other elements, my papers simply weak. Like when you hold chakra paper in your hand. And depending on what happens to it, you find your chakra nature.
But no matter what your chakra nature is, the paper is still damaged afterwards."
Like me, she added silently.

I comforted her by placing my hand on her shoulder.
I understood the meaning behind her words.

"Is there any way you could make them resistant to other elements?" I said softly.

"I have a collection of paper bombs & explosion tags activated by fire. And if my enemy decided to use wind, my paper merely fold itself into a sharp point that can slice through the wind. I just have to add a little chakra to the paper to keep it moving."

"What about earth and lightning?"

She hesitated.

"Earth style can just be worked against with paper bombs, but I don't have anything for lighting style jutsu."

"Okay then, why don't we spend tomorrow finding ways to to improve your techniques against different elementals?"

"Well what about you Yahiko?"

"I can practice my defense and attack against elemental jutsu against you."

"Will that be needed?"

"After what happened to Nagato, you never know. And what if your placed under genjutsu and are controlled for intell? We can't have that."

Konan looked automatically hurt being compared to Nagato like that and as a possible imposter. I felt bad, but it was the truth. Konan needed to realize that.

I drifted to sleep. Not as quick as usual, slower, this time.
My thoughts kept me up, but eventually, my mind faded into the dark abyss of sleep.

Origami Angle

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Origami Angle

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