Lion Fell for Lamb - Edward's POV

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  • Dedicated to Jas Gomez


This is my first ever fan-fiction, I'm not so good. I haven't read the books but I'm a huge fan of the movies. 

Opinions and suggestions are welcomed.  Thank you.    


After 10 years they met. Edward and Bella are in the meadow, looking in each other's eyes and thinking about all the things they have gone through in since the moment they met. From both of their POV. Not much dialogues, its mainly monologues.

Edward's POV

It's been 10 years that I've met the love of my life, Bella.

Looking into her eyes, seeing myself in her eyes, all the time we've spent together, nothing compared to this is more beautiful. Now I can't possibly imagine where would be if we didn't meet. I can't imagine my existence without her anymore. When we met we were strangers, predator and prey. I don't how in such a short amount of time the lion fell in love with a lamb.

Before I met her, my life wasn't much, same old, hiding, keeping the existence of our kind a secret, hunting and drinking animal blood because I didn't want to kill human.

We were two different people of two different kinds but what could be done when we were destined to be together. Before meeting her I had no idea that one day I would meet this wonderful girl and she would become my life.

Since the moment I met her, her beautiful brown eyes, her hair, her face, even her scent pulled me towards her like a powerful magnet, I tried to resist but she is irresistible.

I tried to stay away but that was not possible. I tried and told her that we can't be friends, and we weren't friends, we were destined to be more than that; we were soul mates.

I couldn't read her mind, it was very frustrating. But now after all these years, I can look her face and say what's on her mind, I don't need my powers for that.

The day she could've died in that accident in parking lot if I hadn't save her. I risked our secret for her life, cause by then I knew she is my life. I tried my best not to let Bella know what I really am, but I failed. She found out. After the night at the restaurant.

But she wasn't scared of me knowing what I am. A vampire, a soulless monster. She instead wanted to give up her human life and become like me. I tried to convince her that it's not the right choice but she was so stubborn.

My world was dangerous for her. First James tried to kill her, then his mate Victoria came back to take revenge. When she was lying down on the floor of the ballet studio, screaming in pain, for a moment I thought I would lose her forever, I decided if that happens I'd end myself too. When I had to bite her to take out the poison, I thought I wouldn't be able to stop but it was our love that gave me the strength to stop. Later at the prom she asked me why I didn't let my venom spread and change her, I told her again, I wouldn't let her become a monster like me. Changing her, ending her human life just not to have to lose her again, I wouldn't do such selfish thing.

On her 18th birthday party at our house, Jasper couldn't control himself and tried to attack her when a drop of blood fell on the carpet from the paper cut; I knew for sure my world is not safe for her. I had to do the hardest thing I've ever done in 100 years, I left her. I had to lie that I don't love her.

Staying away from her was killing me. Everyday, every moment all I needed more than anything was Bella. Loving her became like breathing to me. Staying away from her wasn't saving her, it made her find ways to get into trouble just to see my hallucinations, and thousands of miles away not for a moment I was peaceful. And the ultimate thing she did was cliff diving.

When months later, Rosalie told me what Alice saw and when Jacob answered the phone saying Charlie is arranging a funeral, I thought I've lost Bella. I tried to provoke the Volturi and end myself, but Bella stopped me. At first couldn't believe that she was in front of me. I just got my life back. But it was not our happy ending, not yet.

The Volturi was our next obstacle, Aro standing in front of Bella, wanting to kill her and Felix holding me back, I thought I couldn't do anything to stop that. But Alice's vision and the promise to change her saved us. Bella wanted to give her life to save me. Bella wanted to give up her life to save me, but if she died I wouldn't live for a moment.

I've never met anyone so perfect, so beautiful and so prone to danger in my entire existence. She is the perfect girl trying to fit in my imperfect world.

I tried to convince her again saying we can keep Volturi in the dark, but she didn't listen to me. She still wanted to become like me. Except Rosalie, everyone voted in favour of Bella.

Even Jacob tried to talk her out of it. But she doesn't listen to anybody, she wanted to be with me forever, I felt happy but not at the same time. I couldn't take away her soul just not to have to lose her again. That's the most selfish thing I ever did.

After Victoria came back for revenge and we killed her, once again I asked Bella to marry me. She said yes. All she needed was a proper proposal.

Every moment spent with her has been the best experience of my entire existence.

I had finally gave up after she told me that staying human is what she "should do" (and what I was telling her to do) but being with me and my family, making my world her own is what she not only wanted but "needed" to do.

Bella and I got married. We were spending our honeymoon on Isle Esme. It took an unexpected turn when we found out Bella was pregnant. That wouldn't have happened if I had already changed Bella and we both were more than glad about that. We were so much happy but later some complications arise. Rosalie and Bella finally came closer when Rosalie was helping her. Bella knew how much Rosalie loves children. But our child had weakened Bella so much. It was dangerous, I told her to abort, but Bella is Bella, she won't listen. Eventually I gave up on that thought. After months of complicated pregnancy Bella gave birth to our daughter, Renesmee "Nessie" Carlie Cullen on 10th September, 3 days before her 19th birthday. She nearly died giving birth and then I had no other choice but to change her. 

Renesmee is half-vampire-half-human. She has facial features and hair colour like me, but has curly hair like Charlie, and Bella's eyes. Her human age is seven but her physical appearance is 17 like me, last year she has stopped aging and is freeze in time forever like us.

The moments after she was born Jacob imprinted on her. I really don't like Jacob, first Bella, and now Renesmee, why can't he stay away from my family?

He is not that bad, he loved Bella, but I'm more than happy that she chose me over him. He could've given her a human life which I couldn't, she didn't need to change for him, but she was more than willing to change for me to live with me forever.

I had never imagined that I would be lucky enough to meet someone like her. She is so perfect. In such a little time she became the reason for me to stay alive.

Now years later, here we are in the meadow again. I'm looking in her eyes, looking at my life and the world just couldn't get more beautiful than this.

And then I whisper to her "I love you, Bella" and we kiss passionately.

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