Lion fell for Lamb - Bella's POV

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  • Dedicated to Jas Gomez


This is my first ever fan-fiction, I'm not so good. I haven't read the books but I'm a huge fan of the movies. 

Opinions and suggestions are welcomed.  Thank you.    

After 10 years they met. Edward and Bella are in the meadow, looking in each other's eyes and thinking about all the things they have gone through in since the moment they met. From both of their POV. Not much dialogues, its mainly monologues.

Bella's POV

It's been 10 years since we met.

In the meadow again, looking in each other's eyes. Looking back at our life so far, the picture is so beautiful. I don't know where would I be without him, what would've my life turned out to be if I had never met him.

Before I met Edward, I was living in phoenix, had to move in to Forks, because mom remarried and needed some time alone with her new husband. I had no idea that I would meet the love of my life here in Forks. I had no idea that I will meet someone who would change my life forever; he changed the definition of love.

 New school, new people, it wasn't so tough to fit in. Everybody was welcoming.

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Angela and Jessica. Just then Edward walked in my life. We were staring back at each other. His golden brown eyes looking into mine. Since that moment I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was on my mind twenty-four seven.

Our first meeting wasn't so pleasant. We didn't say a word to each other. We were in biology class, I had no idea what the teacher was saying. I tried to concentrate but Edward staring at me the whole time distracted me. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. He stormed off just when the bell rang. I followed him; he wanted to change his class. This made me a little upset. Next day I decided to confront him but he didn't show up. Not for a second he left my mind.

I was relieved to see him again after a couple of days. We started talking. He was mysterious. But everything about him attracted me more and more.

Though he believed that I would be safer if I stay away from him but he is the one who saves me all the time. From accident in the parking lot, from those drunken guys on the street. That night in the restaurant, I still remember everything every moment. The look on his face when he said "I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore" and I replied "then don't". He was driving me back home. We stopped at police station. Then the clues lead me to the realization of a truth; that Edward is a vampire. I should've been like a normal human being but I don't know how I had so much faith in him and I still have, I wasn't scared at all.

 Next day in the woods I confronted him about it. He didn't lie, but he tried to prove that he wasn't safe for me, that he is a monster but I already had fallen in love with that monster, there was no doubt about it. The lion fell in love with the lamb. That was the first day we laid down in the meadow. His beautiful skin sparkling in sunlight.

Days passed and we grew even more closer. I decided that I want to become like him. He kept telling me this is the wrong choice. That I would have to give up my life for him. But when he is my life then what life I'm giving up?

When James tried to kill me, Edward had to bite me to take out the poison, he shouldn't have stopped, he could let his venom spread and I would become like him, but he stopped. In hospital he tried to tell me to leave him and move the Jacksonville, but how am I supposed to live when my life is miles away from me?

On my 18th birthday party at the Cullen's, Jasper couldn't control him, he tried to attack but others stopped him. Then Edward did the most cruel thing just because he thought it was saving me from danger in his world; Edward left me. A huge hole was punched through my chest. Even breathing became so hard; I just didn't want to live without him anymore.

I hated my mortal human life, and Edward's stubbornness about not wanting to change me. But I know no matter what he says he won't love me when I'd look like a grandma. I stayed in home for many days, he didn't want to lose me but staying human I won't be with him after few decades. I'm not afraid to die but I'm afraid of the distance between us.

When I finally had to get of house, I found the way to see him again. Getting into trouble was the only way. And I didn't care if that could kill me because at least before I closed my eyes forever I could see him.

And after few days of not being able to see him, I decided to cliff jump, it's a total rush and totally insane and dangerous. I saw him again, he was telling me not to jump but I did and in the water, a huge wave hit me and my head was hit against the cliff. Jake pulled me out. He drove me home. I knew he had feelings for me but I'm in love with Edward and nothing in the entire universe can change that.

Inside, Alice was waiting for me. I felt like someone stabbed me with a dagger when she told me that Edward is going to kill himself. Jacob tried to stop me but thousands of miles away my life was ending himself and I couldn't let that happen under any circumstances. My heart was racing so fast it might jump out of my chest. But thank God that I reached him in time to save him. I just got my life back.

But that wasn't the end of the trouble. Next was the Volturi. I would've been happy to die that day to save Edward. But Alice saved us with her vision. And now it's more than just my wish to become a vampire, it was necessary.

Still Edward kept refusing. But rest of the Cullens voted yes except Rosalie, she didn't want this life for herself but I do want it for myself.

Jacob also tried to change my mind but when I make up my mind nothing can change it.

Edward gave a condition to change me himself. He asked me to marry him. It was what I just wanted. He kept saying "marry me" and I kept replying "change me". But eventually when he properly proposed me every nerve ending of my body screamed "YES".

After Victoria came back again to take revenge, this time Edward finally killed her. By the end of that battle with the newborns and us & werewolves by our side, we won the battle. And Jacob had lost his battle for my heart, but he said, "I will wait for you - even when your heat has stopped beating". But that couldn't change my mind, my heart, my soul not only wanted but needed Edward.

I've never felt normal as people would define it, but being with Edward and his family, I feel completeness, and nothing else can give me that kind of happiness that he gives me. Staying human is what I "should do' but making his world mine is what I "need" to do. He finally gave up after the final time I told him I don't want to stay human, I want to become like him.

After few days we got married. We were spending our honeymoon in Isle Esme. But it took an unexpected turn when we found out I was pregnant. It couldn't have been possible if he had changed me, and we both were more than glad about that. We were so happy. But complication started arising after a few days. Our baby had weakened me so much that Edward wanted me to abort it. But I couldn't let that happen. I would rather die instead of killing my child. In the meanwhile Rosalie and I became closer friends when she was helping me, I knew how much she loved children and how she always regretted the fact she can never be able to bear Emmett's child.

After months of complicated pregnancy I gave birth to our daughter, Renesmee  "Nessie" Carlie Cullen, on 10th September, 3 days before my 19th birthday. As I nearly died giving birth, Edward had no other choice but to change me. I finally become like him.

Renesmee is half-vampire-half-human. She has facial features and hair colour like Edward, but has curly hair like Charlie, and my eyes. Her human age is seven but her physical appearance is 17 like me, last year she has stopped aging and is freeze in time forever like us.

After moments of her birth Jacob imprinted on her. It sometimes bugged Edward, but not me. Jacob was there for me when I needed a friend. And I know him. Though he wanted me to choose him over Edward but Edward and my love is so strong that nothing, never ever can come between us. I know he'll always be there for Renesmee, in whatever role she needs him. That's we want for her.

Life has never been so beautiful; Edward and I are each other's lives. We can't imagine our existence without each other.

Now years later, here we are again in the meadow, looking in each other's eyes.

The sunlight falling on us, and this time we both of us is sparkling.

I lean in and whisper "I love you Edward", and we kiss passionately.

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