7 | The One With Abs

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— R A E —

As it turns out, it's very difficult to fall asleep with a hard member pressed tightly against your ass.

Who could've known, right?

I almost feel bad for him; we've laid here for a good 20 minutes and his erection still hasn't gone away. It's lessened a bit at times and I thought maybe it was finally giving up, but then it just returned in full force all over again. Poor guy.

I can tell he's still awake too. It's probably just as hard to fall asleep when certain parts of you aren't cooperating.

"Hey, Ajax..."


"It's not gonna go away like this, is it?"

There's a very long, very full pause before he affirms with a sigh, "Probably not like this, no."

As comfortable as I am, I'm feeling the need to switch positions anyway, so I turn around in his arms to face him.

Our faces are inches apart and he's looking at me with the most handsome, most embarrassed face I think I've ever seen. His eyes are so apologetic, his mouth a thin line. I get the sudden urge to reach out and touch his ears because I bet my life they are burning hot.

Instead, I put my hand against his upper shoulder and push lightly.

He gets the idea and rolls away onto his back, still watching me. Cold air rushes between us at the break of contact, but it's only momentary as I move closer to rest my head on his chest.

"I'm really sorry—" he begins, but I cut him off by smirking up at him.

"Don't be. Nothing to be sorry for. We're both adults, I understand how your body works. Let's just move around so my nice ass isn't distracting you, and we'll see what happens."

I settle my head in the perfect nook where his shoulder and chest meet, and he wraps his arm around my back to my side.

Ah, fuck, what kind of glorious hell is this? I had nearly forgotten he was shirtless. While we were spooning I couldn't exactly see or feel the difference with my shirt on. Now with the blanket only pulled up to our hips and my cheek resting on his bare chest I have a clear view down his shapely stomach, his covered legs, and all the way to his feet.

Including the peaked mass south of his belly button.

Somehow I don't believe this to just be a random boner, I get that it happens sometimes but they definitely don't last this long. I'm not an idiot, I know he's hard because he's turned on, and the thought sends a thrill through me.

I did that.

I'd also be in denial if I didn't admit to myself that I'm turned on too. You know that whole brain vs body thing? My body is definitely winning. But my brain is beginning to sway as well.

He called me beautiful. It might've just been a slip of the tongue or part of his rambling, but he still said it. And I get the feeling he meant it, even if was just part of his excuse.

My brain really likes him. And my body really wants him.

My arm is slung over him across his waist but I pull it back so I can rest my hand on his chest instead.

From this angle his stomach is magnificent. The moonlight highlights every hill and plain, the valleys between each muscle a sharp, dark contrast.

My hand begins a slow descent from his chest and I feel him tense under me. My fingers start moving of their own accord, tracing the path my eyes make.

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