4 | The One With The Movie

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— R A E —

As it turns out, Mason's room is right next door, number 11. We knock on the door and wait for an answer before heading in.

We actually made pretty good time after Mason and Kat left. I was finishing up with the bandage anyway, so after putting on the final touch Ajax was finally able to get dressed. Which, I'll admit was both a curse and a blessing. He of course had given me no warning as he unceremoniously dropped the towel, once again revealing his boxers, before sliding on some sweatpants and the first t-shirt he found. He didn't even bother putting on socks.

I stole another quick glance as I followed him into Mason's room. Who knew someone could look so damn good in sweatpants- which now hung gloriously low on his hips.

As we walked in I took a look around: pretty much the same as Ajax's. Desk, tv, nightstands, two twin beds.

Shit. I didn't think about there only being two twin beds.

Mason and Kat were already sitting together on the far bed in the corner... so I suppose that leaves the other bed for us.

Sure enough, Ajax plopped down on it, sitting up against the wall. He must've noticed me standing awkwardly because he starts patting the spot next to him, beckoning me to sit. After a resentful sigh, I join him slowly, attempting to leave a respectful space between us. He holds no such reservation and that minuscule space quickly closes, letting our arms and shoulders lie flush together.

I sit rigidly, aware of the hard warmth now pressed against my arm. My attention is shifted however when Mason presses play on the movie. The Shining- they decided to go with a classic thriller instead of a newer scary movie, but it's been a while since I've seen it so I'm excited to watch it. Can't go wrong with a classic.

In my peripherals, I'm aware of Kat and Mason in the next bed. They look cozy together, half sitting/half lying with Mason's arm around her. She looks content, and I relax at the thought. As much of a player as both she and Mason can be, they've been seeing each other for the last week or so now, and I'm happy that he makes her happy. They do seem good together.

I barely even noticed the vanished space between Ajax and me, my shoulder now laying over his, our hips touching. He either doesn't notice or doesn't care, so I don't bother moving. His warmth is nice since the room is actually a bit chilly; I should've brought a sweater, but his heat will do for now.

The movie draws me in for a time, and I decide I'm glad they chose this one. I had forgotten more than I thought, and even though the beginning's a bit slow there's still enough excitement to hold my attention.

I stiffen as I catch movement to my left. I look out of the corner of my eye to see that Kat and Mason are paying more attention to each other than the movie. I hear a soft giggle from Kat after Mason appears to have whispered something. She turns and gives him a quick peck on the lips accompanied by a sly smile.

Ugh. I've known Kat long enough that this really isn't a surprise, she's never been shy, and Mason seems to have that in common... but, really?

I try to ignore them, although it's hard not to notice the giggles here, the kisses there, and the looks all over. I feel Ajax shift a bit, so I know he's noticed them as well. I stiffen even more. I suppose that's what some couples do: Netflix and chill, right? You meet, you hang out, you watch a movie, and it leads to... well fucking each other's brains out, to put it lightly.

And that's fine and dandy for them, but I'm not that kind of girl. Ajax may make my loins burn but I'm not planning on taking that route.


I feel a hot breath stir my hair before Ajax cautiously whispers, "Just so you know, I'm not... expecting anything... in case you were worried about it," He pauses before continuing, "I don't really care what the hell they want to do, but I just felt like I needed to tell you that I hadn't intended anything like that. You've looked anxious since we sat down, I figured that might be the reason. Just try to relax, get comfy, and enjoy the movie."

Wow. A weight lifts off my shoulders. I didn't realize that he even noticed. That was actually quite kind–and slightly ballsy—of him. He's right though, I've been anxious about it since we got in here. I had relaxed while I was watching the movie and was actually pretty comfortable until I noticed the other two.

Alright, Rae, don't worry about them, do my own thing. It's my night off, I'm out here to have fun, I'm watching an awesome movie, just get comfy and relax.

"Your right...thanks" I whisper back with a smile. I lean back against him, still sitting, and he moves his arm up so it rests on the pillow behind me. It makes for a nice pillow behind my head and he's able to bend his arm to support his own head in his hand.

"Is that alright?" He asks quietly.

I respond with a nod, and I feel his hard chest move slightly in a chuckle.

"You know," he starts, and I turn my head slightly towards him to catch a playful gleam in his eyes "I meant what I said... but if you do decide to make a move, I can't say I'd blame you or turn down the offer..." His eyebrows are raised in fake aloofness but he can't hold it and lets out a real chuckle.

I elbow him in the stomach with a snort, "A tempting offer, but I'll have to pass," and give him an overly obvious eye roll. I move my eyes back to the movie but can't help the slight upturn of my lips as I rest my head back against his arm, calm warmth seeping into me.

✦ ✧ ✦

— A J A X —

Well, that was awkward. Rae was obviously uncomfortable since we came in but she seemed to relax more as the movie went on.

I keep stealing glances at her throughout the movie. She seems pretty ingrained in the screen and has mostly let her guard down now.

Her head is resting comfortably on my arm and I'm close enough above her that I can smell her hair. It's nice.. fresh and flowery. A little loop of her hair tickles the bottom of my chin but I don't bother moving it.

Mason and Kat seem to be enjoying each other's company... which doesn't really surprise me from what I know of Mason and what I've heard about Kat. Which is a fair amount since he mentions her all the fucking time.

I just wish they would maybe tone it down a tiny bit with us still in the room... Rae keeps freezing up every so often after a particularly loud smooch or quick movement of theirs.

She's hard to decipher... she comes off as being pretty innocent, the way she shields her eyes and tenses up. But then there are times that she makes even me blush. She's got a certain knowing gleam in her eye and has made some pretty smooth comments.

Honestly, she's so fun to tease, and I love the easy banter between us. I wasn't expecting to be able to spend this extra time with her, we were just intending to get my bandage on and be done with it.

However, now that we're here I plan to use it to the fullest. I'm not sure where she sees the night going, but I honestly just want her to be comfortable. I was telling the truth when I told her I wasn't expecting anything, I'd be completely fine with it if the evening ended just like this... but I also don't think I would resist the alternative if she showed interest.

We're both relaxed, for the time being, I'm happy to have the night off with good company.

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