Everything has Changed

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Percy knew something was wrong when he felt that feeling again.

It started when he was twelve years after destroying the Fury, Alecto. It felt like a flaming hot poker shoved into his chest. It lingered only for a couple seconds but it was the most painful he ever felt.

More painful than his ex step father's greasy fists colliding with his face or smashing empty beer bottles against him.

It felt like fire burning his heart.

It happened again after killing the Minotaur. Along with the weight in his heart from seeing his mother seemingly die from the it crushing her neck and turning her into golden dust. The burn lingered longer with the weight and it made him want to cry out.

And so from then, with each monster that was vaporized by Percy Jackson, that same burning feeling pierced his heart. He never told anyone about it, as he assumed everyone else had that same feeling.

But here he was, holding the sky above while watching the Goddess of the Moon, Artemis along with her hunter, Zoë fighting the Titan Atlas. Never before had Percy felt so helpless while using every ounce of strength he had to hold up the sky.

Off near the edge of the mountain where the Goddess and Titan fought, stood Thalia, Daughter of Zeus facing off against Luke, Son of Hermes.

Here they were, these amazing warriors fighting for their lives while Percy was on his knees, holding onto the sky... Somehow.

All he could think was 'Not again... Not again...' He felt helpless when he left his mother in Hades' kingdom. He felt helpless as Gabe hurt and belittled Sally, all so he can be safe from the monsters that would've sniffed him out.

'Never again... Never again... Never again...' Percy thought before shouting out with rage "NEVER AGAIN!!"

Then from his heart, a trail of mist floated away before materializing into a large bull that stood on its hind legs. It was coated in brown fur with bulging muscles. It stood there for a couple seconds before roaring and charging at the large Titan who glanced at the Minotaur before doing a double look.

The raging bullman managed to impale Atlas with his horn, making him scream in pain before Artemis swiped her daggers across his face, cutting his eyes, blinding and making him scream in agonizing pain. The Minotaur began to push Atlas with his horn towards Percy where Artemis spoke in his head 'Be ready.'

When it became time, Percy with one last push of strength, pushed the sky up before rolling out as Atlas fell below the sky "NO! Curse you all! Not again!" Atlas managed to push himself up before crouching onto one knee and holding the sky on his shoulders once more.

Percy could do nothing but breathe heavily before pushing himself up despite his muscles aching and burning. Annabeth saw him and rushed him before wrapping her arms around him, making him grunt but still hugged her back.

When Annabeth pulled back, she gasped as her hand gently touched his hair, seeing the black hair turn grey before becoming snowy white. "Percy..." She whispered. He smiled slightly at her before Annabeth put his arm over her shoulders. They made their way towards Thalia, Zoë, and Artemis.

Zoë herself laid on the dark rocky ground while panting heavily. Her caramel skin lightened up a few shades, and sweat pouring down her face. "Zoë..." Thalia said with dread creeping up her spine.

"Her wound is poisoned... She's fading now as we speak." Artemis informed with sadness laced in her voiced.

"You... You can't heal her?" Percy asked  as he breathed heavily. If it weren't for Annabeth holding him up, he would've collapsed immediately.

Artemis looked up at the Son of Poseidon and wanted to question about his hair but shook her head as there was more pressing matters. "This is beyond my form of magic, Perseus."

Perseus looked at Zoë before his eyes steeled so he moved his arm from Annabeth and knelt beside her and growled "No..."

Thalia asked "Percy, what're you doing?"

Percy put his hands above Zoë's wound and began to concentrate. Artemis realized what he was about to do, along with Annabeth. "Percy, you must not do this! It is Zoe's fate to fall today. Let her rest."

Percy glared at Artemis "Screw fate! No one else is dying on my watch!" Moisture began to swirl around his hands along with the sweat flying off from Zoë's skin. Percy could feel himself growing weaker and about to lose consciousness but he persisted.

He then slammed his hands down on Zoë's wound making her cry out in pain before gasping as she could feel the burning liquid being sucked out of her system. Percy himself could feel the burning poison touching his hand before tossing away, splattering onto a rock.

As he began to lose consciousness, he fell backwards and could vaguely make out blonde hair and grey eyes stare at him before his vision faded into darkness.


Something was wrong with Percy. That much everyone could tell. His raven black hair was suddenly fading into a snowy white color. The Minotaur that stood before them faded away into mist.

It perplexed Artemis. The Minotaur... Helped her defeat Atlas? How was that possible? What happened to the Son of Poseidon? Did he summon it? Why did he save Zoë?

There were too many questions that needed answering and not enough time.

"Guys, we've got monsters coming up the mountain!" Thalia said in worry after helping Zoë up. Artemis closed her eyes, a large blinding light flew towards the opening before it became a sled with a team of reindeer leading it. "I can't take you all to Olympus, but I will take Perseus with me to see my brother. Help will arrive momentarily."

Artemis picked up Percy and placed him in the sled before getting in and snapping the reins, causing the reindeer to run before flying off towards Olympus in New York City. She looked back to see three pegasi fly towards the fort. She sighed in relief before looking at Percy and his unconscious form. Something happened to him. Something that will change the fate of their world.

"Just who are you, Perseus Jackson?" Artemis questioned quietly.

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