What Have You Done?

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The moment Annabeth's feet touched the ground, she ran.

She ran like her life depended on it. Thalia stayed behind to help Zoë as she was still weak from having the poison drained out.

Annabeth ignored all the looks given by the citizens that lived on Olympus as her only thought was Percy. He risked everything to save her. What kind of friend would she be if she didn't be there to see him wake up?

The moment Annabeth bursted through the doors of the Throne Room, all eyes were on her. She looked around for the Sun God, Apollo. When she found him she asked loudly "Where is he!?"

Apollo winced slightly at the pissed off look on the Daughter of Athena's face. "Annabeth." Athena reprimanded her to which she ignored as she asked once more "Where is Percy!?"

Apollo cleared his throat and shifted in his throne "He's in my infirmary. He'll be alright. Just needs rest." Annabeth released a sigh of relief she didn't realize she was holding.

"Hey! Can I actually get some help here!?" Thalia shouted while keeping Zoë up by her arm around the Daughter of Zeus' shoulder.

Apollo stepped out from his throne and shrunk down to normal human heights before walking to Thalia and took Zoë from her. He placed the back of his hand on her forehead to assess her damages.

"Well good news, Sis. Your huntress will live, though her insides is burned a bit from what looks like poison. She'll need to stay up at my infirmary for a little while." Apollo reported to his twin sister, Artemis who sighed in relief before nodding "Do what you can, brother."

Apollo held Zoë bridal style before leaving the Throne Room.

Zeus cleared his throat "Ahem. Now that we have sorted that all out, let us continue."

"Atlas is back under the Sky. The general of his army will be of no help to the Titan Lord." Artemis spoke. "Thanks to these heroes. I will see them rewarded for their efforts."

Poseidon nodded "They have indeed fought bravely. If what you say about young Percy is true, then they deserve our gratitude."

"As usual, you're missing a very important point, Barnacle Beard." Athena said with an even voice with a slight hint of venom. "The fact that your spawn held up the sky and... Somehow summoned the Minotaur to aid my sister means one thing. He is becoming even more dangerous than we realized."

"How is that even possible? These monsters have no souls." Hera questioned Athena to which Poseidon answered "Perhaps it's because of their heritage? You recall the origin of the Minotaur. The Queen Pasiphae gave birth to it, from the bull I sent to Minos for sacrifice."

"So you're saying the boy has a bond to that monster because of you?" Zeus asked in a warning tone however Poseidon brushed it off.

"Perhaps and perhaps not. The one thing is clear, this power is something outside of our mythos."

Athena placed a finger to her lips as she was thinking "He is right about that, I will give him that. This is something none of our children or any hero has ever had. In the end, only the Spawn of Poseidon knows about this."

"His name is Percy, Mother. He and everyone else on the quest risked their life to save mine and Artemis' life." Annabeth said as she glared at Athena whom tightened her grip on her armrest.

"I thank you for your words, Chase. But I must ask that you calm yourself." Poseidon spoke calmly to Annabeth who looked at him before taking several deep breaths. Thalia placed her hand on her shoulder and rubbed ot gently to give her some extra calming feels.

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