3. Nadia's issue

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Ander didn't exactly know, why he was starting to be so nervous around Guzman. Omar order him to go somewhere for a lunch with Guzman and tell him abou the fact, that Nadia and Lu are coming back in a matter of few days. That shouldn't be hard, or should be? The issue that Ander saw was, that he sometimes didn't know how to act and behave towards this new strange version of Guzman. He knew, that it's going to be an akward conversation, but he has to do it.
"I can almost hear you thinking" Guzman laught as he reached Ander. "Lu would shout on you, that you are  causing yourself pre-mature aging wrinkles or something like that"
"Yeah, that's sounds like her." Ander took a deep breath, "hey, what about we get lunch after school together. Just you and me, some beers, like the old times"
Guzman took a sharp breath. The "old times" reminded him in second all the bad things that happened in a last few months of his life. He remembered when he, Ander and Polo went out to drink beer for the first time. Then they felt invincible, on top of the world, like nothing can hurt them and nothing can go wrong. Guzman quickly admited in his head, that they were very wrong. Everything went to shit in a matter of seconds.
"Sure, we could do that. Do you wanna do some homework there too?"
"Guzman you know me, so you already know the answer. Of course not. Let's relax and enjoy ourselves for at least one afternoon. No school. Just two good friends and beers. Deal?"
"Fine" Guzman must laughed. Ander hated homeworks since they were kids. "See you"

"Okay my beautiful friend, Chinese's delivery is going to be here in about 10 minutes, it's on me of course. So tell me, what do you want to watch? The Notebook? Titanic? Maybe a little throwback to Twilight?" Lu was trying very hard to make both Nadia and her feel comfortable. She could see on Nadia's face, that she was trying hard not to run away.
"Hm.... what about something non-romantic? I don't like horror movies, but I currently feel like that would be a better idea"
"God Nadia! Okay, what about we just play some music and talk while we eat?" Lu could see, that talking was the last thing Nadia wanted to do. Suddenly someone ring the doorbell and Lu just took her wallet, beacause she knew, that her dinner arrived. When she came back with the food, she found Nadia staring blankly into a wall.
"Shit Nadia woke up. This is not The Exorcist. Can you, fucking finally, tell me, what's happening? I don't know you like this. You are the one who's always stronger. You always have your shit together. What's wrong with you?" Lu was slowly starting to shout. She was so confused about everything.
"I'll tell you, if you stop shouting on me and sit down." Lu sat next to Nadia on the pillows and turned herself, so she could face Nadia. "I am all ears"
"Okay so.... I already told you, that Guzman just stopped texting me back. And I feel strange telling you about this, because I know you and him have a history, but I don't have anybody else to talk to. I just feel so.... unwanted. I feel like he replaced me with someone better. And if he did, I understand him, I just wished he would have told me. And I don"t know, if I did something wrong or what's happening...." Nadia choked a bit. Lu put her arms around Nadia's shoulders and rested her chin on one of them.
"I am here with you. You can tell me anything. Nadia you save me, in so many ways, that I don't know if you ever understand. I am here for you, only you, whatever you need"
,,Okay," Nadia took a deep breath " I just don't understand it. And I love him so much, I never knew I could love someone so hard. And...."
"Don't you dare to stop talking now Nadia...."
"I had a little pregnancy scare" Nadia confessed.
"Wait. I don't understand. We're here since July... and it's a beggining of December... Nadia what did you do?!"
"Will you let me speak on not?" Said Nadia angrily. Lu just lifted her eyebrows and shut her mouth.
"It was just all too much. New people, new city, beggining of the semester, lots of learning and homework. I just forgot. I forgot I didn't get it. I know that when you do an easy calculation, you find out, that me thinking that I was pregnant was pretty stupid but I don't know.... I just started to stress, I wanted to go and buy a pregnancy test, I've never been in a similiar situation. But I went to a doctor and she said, that I just didn't get it because of stress and she gave me some pills and I got my period today in the morning. But you know what's sad? When that idea, that I could be pregnant with Guzman flew through my head, it was a mix of sadness and happiness. On the one hand, I knew that I couldn't be raising a child alone while going to UNI, but then..... I feel so disconnected towards Guzman and suddenly, we could have something that would knot us together forever. Is that stupid? Am I stupid for all of this?" Nadia sobbed.
"No you're not. It's natural that a first thing that comes to a female head after she didn't get it is, that she's pregnant. And it was a great decision to go to a doctor. But even if you were pregnant, you wouldn't be alone. I would be there with you on every step of the way. And Guzman.... I don't know what's wrong with him, but I'll find it out. And if he truly got together with someone else.... it's his lost, because he lost the best, smartest, beautiful girl on this planet. And we'll show him, how stupid he is, what he lost. He will be begging for you to come back, on his knees. Trust me, I know men" Lu smiled on Nadia. She was her enemy for so long. But she saved her. She gave her half of her scholarship, place to live in and also.... helped her to not get to a prison. She will be forever bonded with Nadia.
"Of course Nadia! We'll enjoy our winter break, at home, in Madrid, with your parents and our friends. No matter if Guzman's still one of them or not. I'll keep an eye on you and I will protect you like a mama bear!" Lu showed Nadia her pinky finger and Nadia hooked hers on Lu's.
"I love you, you know that?"
"Of course I do, everybody loves me, but you are one of the few people, that I love back" Lu laughted and Nadia showed her her tongue.

Ander and Guzman sat at their favorite bistro, on their usual spot. Guzman looked relax but still you could see that there was something that was bugging him. Now or never, Ander thought to himself. He took a deep breath....

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