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"So how are you doing?" Ander breathed out.
"I am good Ander, you don't have to worry. Do you want beer?" Guzman seemed that he was trying to pretend like nothing was happening. So Ander decided to roll with that for now.
"Guzman you know me, that's a stupid question to ask" they both laughted. Guzman ordered beers and both out them took their math books out of their bags.
"So what are you planning to do on spring break? After this stupid test tomorrow?" Fuck, Ander realised that it's time to say what he was supposed to say.
"Well you know.... of course I have to learn for the next tests so I can pass this school year and then... I am most likely going to spend a lot of time at Omar's parents, now that they are starting to almost take me as family, which is great, but also.... Nadia and Lu are coming back" Finally, he got it out. Ander'a hands started to sweat, he bit his lip and looked at Guzman. Guzman... he just got stuck in a second Ander finished. He didn't move, he didn't blink.
"Guzman are you okay?" After Guzman didn't even breathed, Ander hit him in the shoulder.
"I am screwed."
"Why? Shit Guzman talk to me"
"I... me and Nadia.... me... we don't really... I fucked up."
"What do you mean? What happend? Don't make me get it out of you by force"
"I just... after all that happened... and Nadia left... we were in touch for a while. But when I saw, how exciting everything is for her, how she's moving forward with her life, how she's meeting new people... I thought to myself, that maybe... maybe I should give her more space because I feel like I was holding her back. Everything about me always fucks up, I don't want her to not enjoy New York because of me... because she at all the times thinks about me being so far away, here, full of shit as always" Guzman put his head in his hands.
"Well then I can officially congratulate you, that you really fucked up now. Man you screw so much... if I were you, I wouldn't even leave my house during spring break." Ander didn't even know, if he was supposed to laugh, cry or beat up Guzman.
"Wait you know something about it?" Guzman was straight shocked.
"Yes Guzman. Thanks to you, my last night was pretty hard. In a middle of the night, completly furious Lucrecia called Omar."
"Lately Nadia's been.... she's been weird, crying often. And Lucrecia caught her like this. And last night, Nadia was just... Lu didn't know what to do with her. So she guessed, that most likely... mostly likely something happened between you two. And as I see, she was fucking right" Ander spitted out. Guzman was white as wall. He knew he fucked up, but now... It gotten to a whole another level.
"Guzman shit.... you still work at her parents shop. Don't you and Yusef never talk about her? At all? You... now more then ever, you have chance that Nadia's parents will accept your relationship with her. And you do this? It looked like her parents really started to like you..." Ander now really looked like he was ready to slap Guzman.
"Shit... Ander what I am supposed to do?"
"I don't know Guzman.... but you should definitely try to do some love gesture and mainly... you need to explain her everything"
"When are they coming?"
"Tomorrow's gonna suck."
"Hey, we can fuck up on one test, nothing will happen"
"I can't.... I need to have the best grades possible."
"And since when it's important to have all A's?"
"Since I... I haven't said this to anyone except my parents. Ander, I want to go to New York too. My idea is... if Nadia can't be here... I go there. I just wanna be with her." Guzman released all the air the was keeping inside. Ander chucked.
"You are really a dick"

"Do you have everything packed?" Lu was running around their flat, checking if everything's packed.
"I guess I do... I mean.... Lu I am not sure if I want to go..."
"What do you mean? No! Are you crazy! No,no, no Nadia! Don't you even try something like this on me! You are going to pack all your shit and go! With me! Don't you dare to let me leave alone! I love you Nadia, but you can't do this. No because of man. Do you understand me?" Lu was furious once again. She was ready to slap, kill and torture Guzam or anyone that would try to hurt Nadia.
"I am going Lu... okay? I promise. I have everything packed, I am sure. When are we leaving?"
"In an hour." Lu breathed. God, how ready she was to kill....

When Nadia and Lu landed, Nadia's parents and Omar were already waiting for them. Nadia's mom was crying, then Nadia started crying, even Omar almost started. Lu was firstly slowly watching this family reunion, but then Yusef told her to join their group hug, because she's a part of the family, she couldn't help herself and started to cry too. Although Nadia seemed happy, Lu could see, that she was disappointed that Guzman didn't show up. Lu caught Omar's arm and pushed him aside.
"Where the fuck is he and what the fuck is happening?!"
"Guzman... is an idiot... but he talked to Ander yesterday and it seems that although he is an idiot, he didn't mean anything in a bad way. Just in completly stupid way. I'll tell you more later. But we have to get them to meet somehow." Omar was trying to speak way so no one would heard him.
"Okay.... but when I look at Nadia... we should do it as soon as possible" Lu whispered.
"There's party in the club tonight" Omar smiled. Lu had to smile devilishly back.
"I'll talk to her"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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