2. Sola

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"Omar, could you please, for a love of God explain to me, where the fuck is Guzman?" Lucrecia shouted on freshly woken up Omar on the other side of the phone.
"I meaaaan.... what do you mean where he is? I guess he is home at this time, sleeping, I have no idea where he is, I don't live with him!" Omar nervously shouted back. Thanks to this, Ander was already completly awake sitting next to him.
"Guzman haven't been answering any messages or phone calls from Nadia for weeks." she took a deep breath, "And you, Omar, should know it, because curently she is crying her eyes out and she doesn't wanna come back home for the winter break. She wants to stay here. And I don't think that's a good idea at all.
" Wait... did she hurt him somehow? Or did he hurt her? I don't get it, what happenned?"
"I don't know Omar! Why do you think I am calling you?!?!" Lu started being even more angrier than before.
"Okay... I'll try to find out something about Guzman today and when I do, I'll text you. But listen Lu, you have me make sure, that my sister is gonna come back home... do you understand?" He said last sentence almost as a prayer.
"I'll do everything I can. I will drag her to the airport, I promise."
"Thank you, Lu" Their goodbyes stayed in the air and both of them took a deep breath after the phone call. Lu knew what she has to do. She has to make sure, that Nadia's okay and safe. Without crying. She went to the room and her heart ached, when she looked at pass out Nadia on the floor. She won't let anyone hurt her. Not even Guzman with his nice face and broad shoulders.... idiot.

Omar woke up to school around six am. The first thought that jumped into his head was an event, a phone call, he' gotten from Lu. He couldn't believe that Guzman would hurt his sister. But if he really did hurt her, Omar's gonna make sure he's gonna pay for it...
"Ander.... do you know what's up with Guzman?" Omar tried not to act as Sherlock Holmes in front of his boyfriend.
"What exactly do you mean?" Ander asked.
"My sister was crying next to Lu entire night because Guzman didn't answer her for weeks, so tell me everything you know, right now!" Omar was starting to be almost agressive. Nadia usually didn't needed a big brother, so he wasn't used to acting as one, but know he know, that that's exactly what he has to do.
"Call down Omar," Ander started, looked at Omar and took a deep breath, "Guzman is not good. He is starting to have depressions, he feels meaningless and he thinks, that Nadia's gonna be better off without him. He told me, that he feels like the only thing that made sence in his life left, to have a better life. But at the other hand, he do wants her to be happy. Even throught he suffers"
"So you are trying to tell me, that because Guzman's playing on Messiah, both of them suffer? What is Guzman thinking? That my sister's having YOLO life in New York, doing shopping sprees and drinking every night? Does he even know her?!" Omar shouted irritated. He knows, that's bullshit.
"Kind of yes.... both me and Samu tried to talk to him about it, but he keeps telling us he knows what he's doing."
"Does he know that she's coming back next week?"
"Most likely no. He doesn't have from who."
"Okay, that's good. You have to tell him. Today. As soon as possible. And if he doesn't fix this, I'll have to speak to him." Omar said throught his teeth.
"Should I be afraid of you in this state Omar?" Ander joked.
"You? No. Guzman? Yes." Omar answered simply and kissed his boyfriend.

Lu didn't went to sleep after the phone call she had with Omar. She spend entire night creating plans how to possibly hurt Guzman back. Or how she and Nadia will go to the club and Lu's is gonna make sure Nadia's gonna be extra hot so Guzman can see, what he lost.

Lu was making a morning tea, when Nadia arived into the small kitchen.
"Your eyes are so swollen!" Lu commented.
"Yes I know. Thank you for a reminder."
"Can we speak about yesterday, please?"
"We have nothing to talk about" Nadia answered calmly.
"Are you kidding me?! Of course we do! I don't want you tu suffer and we have to fix..." Lu pointed her finger on Nadia, "THIS!"
"Lu please..."
"Your sweet words don't work on me. Today, 9 pm, Chinesse food, our couch. Deal? And no is not an answer to me."
Nadia took a deep breath: " Okay"
"And you have to tell me everything, because I don't think you're that type of girl that cries when a guy doesn't text back. That means there has to be something more." Lu said and put a cup of hot tea in front of Nadia.

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