Moving On | Legend AU

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!Please don't read if you do not like spoilers of the Legend series!

𝐓𝐇𝐄 Jumbotrons flashed a picture of the glorious elector and his newlywed wife, Faline Stavropoulos-Fedelma, painting the streets in an off-white glow. The sweet wine turned bitter as it trickled down my throat when the door to the bar opened, and the chilly winter air seeped in. I shifted in my seat and gripped the bottle tighter as I felt someone sit next to me on the stool.

The bar was relatively quiet at this late hour. Only two other people were there, besides the newcomer. The dim, soft glow of the lights encased my hands holding the bottle in warmth. I inhaled and exhaled quietly, closed my eyes, and tried to remember the simple life of childhood. And for a second, I feel like I'm sitting at the table with my parents at eight, while we tell our stories of the day.

The voice ripped me away from my moment of tranquility.

"Hey cuz, the usual please." His tone is mellow and playful, one that would grate on her nerves in just the right way. I had no idea why, I just had stupid, stupid preferences in this world of brilliant, bright people. The counter underneath my forearms started vibrating against my skin in a gentle, consistent pattern. I took a quick glance to my right to see a boy around the same age as me, his fingers tapping on the counter. I downed another sip of the sweet liquid.

I felt his gaze move to me. "What's a girl like you doing here in Lake?"

My head swivelled to meet his eyes, and I allowed myself a moment to take him in. Cocoa curls hang just above his earlobes, an upturned nose, complimenting his dark chocolate irises. Despite the thin stubble growing along his jawline and chin, his eyes hold a young and bright light. With a hint of mischief, like he'd pull pranks on the Republic's soldiers on a daily. He definitely has latino blood, judging from the dark complexion and pointed ears. He stared at me with an amused sort of smile, his right palm holding his face and his elbow propped. His left hand continued to tap rhythmic beats.

I perked an eyebrow, "Enjoying a drink, what else?"

He leaned closer, "Oh, come on, there's gotta me more than just that. You don't see a pretty Drake student drinking at a bar in Lake everyday. Ever." The bartender places two shots of vodka along with another bottle in front of the man politely. I ignored the compliments he purposely placed in his sentences.

"I'm just celebrating," I lied stiffly. "Passed my recent exams."

He drained both shots, barely reacting. "Oh, cool. But I don't believe it. I think you'd be celebrating with your friends back up in Batalla." He's smarter than I initially thought.

I ignored his observations and bounced the question back. "What about you? Why are you here? You seem to have some sort of luxury up your sleeve."

His arms go up and down in a shrug. Features briefly dropped, the spark in his eyes dimmed, he quickly put on a tight smile. I realized that I shouldn't have asked the question. "If you won't tell the truth, I won't either."

"Fine." I pushed the bottle of wine farther away and crossed my arms over my chest, my Drake jacket wrinkling up. "Let's start with the basics, shall we?"

He proffered a hand for a shake, and I untangled my arms to do so. His palms are gentle, warm and rough against my delicate hands with perfectly-manicured nails. I glanced down at our handshake, his hands are covered with small scars and imperfections. "Leo, Leo Valdez." Then he let go and the warmth of his skin against mine is sucked away.

"Calypso Nightshade."

He poured another shot, while leaning on a hand again. "Pretty name, suits you," he observed before drinking it. Then proceeds to tap his fingers against the glass bottle. I pursed my lips, trying to ease down my ire.

Moving On | Legend AUWhere stories live. Discover now