
4.3K 42 13

K y'all
So ik I haven't uploaded in like 4 days and I'm rly
Sorry abt that😩
I've been having some trouble writing the next chapter bcs I just can't think of
What to write.
But what I'm gonna try to do is a bit of
An over-upload if that makes sense
Where I just upload as much as possible
Like multiple times a day
I have a few fun ideas in mind for the series that I wanna try out, but this chapter
Is just really holding me back but once I get this chapter done with it should be smooth from there on out.
Since I'm still on spring break I wanna try to upload as much as possible so when I get back to school I don't have to stress myself out too much.
But thanks for being so patient and the next part will hopefully be out later tonight.
Luv y'all
-lazy bitch who wrote this 😙
(Ps thanks for almost 300 views like what??? I just started writing this for fun during my free time and I thought it was totally gonna flop lol, ik it doesn't sound like a lot but it is to me .and I got a bunch of notifications of my ppl adding the series to their library's and reading lists and it makes me feel really good, also thanks
Hope I wrote that right lol
For following
Imma go
Back to trying to get this ep out but I just wanted to get that out😙)

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