The Boy That Lives In IKEA

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Boris happily skipped down the hall of the huge store. "I'm so excited, today is Easter!" Boris exclaimed to himself as he waved his arms around in delight. "I know Boris, and I'm pretty excited too." Said Kyle. Kyle was a lot taller than Boris and looked after him a lot. Kyle usually got Boris out of bad situations. "Why are you so happy Kyle?" Boris questioned. "I got a date with a cute chick today." "Chick? As in chicken?" "No, Boris. 'Chick' as in cute girl." "Oooooooh." Boris sighed. "I don't have any other friends other than you." "In this neverending store, you're lucky you even have a friend. Some employees are all alone wandering the pathways." Kyle explained. "You're right Kyle, I'm so lucky to have you as my friend." Boris jumped and gave Kyle a big hug, and Kyle smiled a little bit. 

Boris followed Kyle just about anywhere. If Kyle would go to the racks, Boris would be right behind him. If he went to the food court, Boris is already there. The only time he wouldn't follow Kyle is during the night, because he got scared. He would tell Boris to wait somewhere and come back the next morning wiping blood off his face. Boris didn't like when Kyle went away at night. Boris felt like he was always being watched, or even hunted. But Kyle always told the same lie every time he left Boris, "I just need to escort some customers out of the building, I should be back soon."

Kyle leads the way. they would swerve in and out of the different sections until they arrived. A big fort made around one of the food courts. Kyle adjusted his collar and hair. "Well Boris, this is the only time I'm going to ask you to leave." "But Kyle, what will I do? Where should I go?" "Anywhere, but stay near here, I don't want you to get lost." "Ok, I'll just be walking around." Boris waved goodbye to Kyle, and Kyle knocked on the door and was greeted by a black-haired girl. 

Boris patrolled the store. he would either jump on beds or climb through the racks. He felt lonely until he saw another employee. Finding another employee was rare, you rarely ever saw one. He ran up to him. "Hi, my name is Boris! What's your name?" the tall man didn't answer, but he bent down and put out his hand to shake hands. Boris shook his hand, "I'm guessing you don't talk. that's ok! I'll call you...Tall Man! Easy to remember, right?" Tall Man nodded in agreement and picked up Boris to put on his back. Boris was startled at first but was super happy when he realized what was happening, and almost felt like he was on top of the world.

Tall Man and Boris had lots of fun together. They would jump on beds and build forts together. They would put toasters in bathtubs and climb on the storage racks. Boris started to forget about Kyle. Kyle always left him during the night. Speaking of night, the lights were already shut off, and Kyle was nowhere to be seen.  I wonder how Kyles's date went, Boris thought.


When Kyle knocked on the door, a pretty lady with long black hair tied into two pretty ponytails answered. "You must be Aura, I'm Kyle." He said with swag. Just then, another girl with short pink hair popped up behind her and placed her face on her shoulder. "Who's this?" she grumpily said. "Go away!" Aura said as she pushed the girl away. Kyle was confused and just watched. Aura turned back around and awkwardly smiled, "I'm sorry about that, she just wanted to know who you we're. Anyways, come inside! We have dinner all ready." Kyle walked into the fort that was surprisingly nice inside. There were 5 people total in the fort. A boy, a blonde-haired girl with pigtails, a blonde-haired girl with a skateboard, a pink-haired girl with a bucket hat, and Aura. "Who are all these people?" Kyle just had to ask that stupid question. "Well, his name is Dezire, the pink-haired girl is Wheeze, the girl with the skateboard is Saturn, and the other girl is Devil." Aura explained. "Oh, well hello everyone. My name is Kyle and I work here." Noone responded and he awkwardly shifted over to the dining room where he and Aura had dinner. They talked for a long time and found out they had a lot in common. "Hey, Kyle? "Yes Aura?" "Would you like to stay the night?" Kyle still needed to find Boris, but he wouldn't mind spending more time with Aura. "Sure, I would love to."

That was the biggest mistake he ever made.


This series is literally trash XD It's not supposed to be good in any way but I will continue to upload more parts until this is completed. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this part. hopefully, the next parts will be longer than this one. See you in the next part! <3

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