I am going to win.

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Today I woke to the sound of my beautiful mother shouting at someone which doesn't surprise me cause that's pretty much how I normally wake up. I looked over at my phone and was 10:00 am I got out of get bed and into my en suite to brush my teeth and have a shower, once that was done I towel dried my hair before using a hair dryer I then brushed my long thick brown hair and put in a half up half down style before going downstairs to have some breakfast.

"Morning darling" My dad said as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning dad" I replied with a smile.

"Today I was thinking after your singing lesson we can go do something together?" My dad said as he sat down with his plate of food.

"Errrrm what do you want to do?" I asked my dad curious to know what he had planned.

" You can to ice skating or something" he replied

"I don't think I am doing anything today so that will be fun." I said as I sat down next to him and began to eat my food.

Once I was finished eating I went back up to my bedroom and decided to look through my Facebook and twitter and see what my beautiful friends have been up to. I logged on to twitter and I saw my notification were blown up I had no idea way because I hardly ever tweet anything maybe Justin Bieber tweeted me if only that actually happened, I clicked on my notification to see that the boys have followed me how did they even find my twitter?! I also found out that Connor and Brad had tweeted me.

"@TheVampsCon had a great day with my new bestie @CharlotteSummers :)"

I retweeted the tweet and replied to it. "@CharlotteSummers @TheVampsCon it was great hanging with you to buddy :D"

I scrolled down to see Brads tweet which said:

"@TheVampsBrad had an amazing day with this little cutie @CharlotteSummers" the tweet had a picture of me attached to it.

Again I retweeted the tweet before replying to it.

"@CharlotteSummers @TheVampsBrad where did you get that horrible picture of me?!"

" @TheVampsBrad @CharlotteSummers I took it yesterday whilst you were watching that random TV show.

"@CharlotteSummers @TheVampsBrad you creep :P"

On that note I decided to put my laptop away and get dressed because my vocal coach will be here in 10 minutes. I have been doing singing lessons from a very young age and I guess it's just something I like doing, my parents always say I have good voice but, I don't believe because they are just saying it be because I am their daughter. Alongside singing I also do acting and dancing, I love both acting and dancing every time I have to play a different character I get exited it's like a new challenge even though I do like acting I don't think I would want that as a career choice because it's a lot of work and it's not easy as well. As I was saying home I didn't want get too overly dressed so I decided to wear a grey sweat pants with a plan white crop top (my belly was not showing). I decided to put on a little make up because I didn't wanna scare my coach Tess away, I applied some concealer around my eyes and my chin area, then I put on a thin layer of foundation and moved onto my eyes where I just put on some mascara and finally put powder on my face to keep everything in place.

Once I was done I went downstairs and got myself some apple juice (because apple is the best thing in the world) and made my way to the living room to watch whatever program was on TV, during this time I also flicked through my phone cause that's what one does when they are bored I got a message from Connor asking me if I wanted to go to the cinemas with them tomorrow I said yes. As I put my phone down there was a knock on the door and I dragged myself off the sofa to open the door.

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