Spill the beans

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Today I woke up pretty early since I forced myself to go for an early morning jog cause let's face it I hardly ever exercise other then when I have dance practice, I got out of bed at 6:30am which is the earliest I have woken up in a long while and brushed my teeth before putting my tracksuit on and heading out the door, I ran for a good 30 minutes before jogging back home throughout by journey I kept replaying the moment when Brad said he liked me it was just magical, it's weird because I have never felt this about anyone before not even any of my past boyfriends I feel like Brad could be something special but I guess only time will tell I just hope things aren't too awkward between us me that he knows I like him and I know he likes me I just want things to be normal.

Once I got home I got into the shower since I was all sweaty and disgusting once I was done in the shower I put on some clothes and went downstairs to join the rest of my family, I didn't bother putting make up on since I wasn't going anywhere today and. I thought I will give my face a break and allow it to breathe. I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast my made some pancakes which was a shock since she hardly ever makes breakfast I grabbed a plate and took two pancakes my mum made the best pancakes ever she used to make them a lot but once she started getting busy with work it stopped so me and Jake knew she was in her happy mood whenever she mad pancakes.

"Morning sweetie." My mum sang as I sat on the stool.

"Morning mum." I replied as I started eating my pancakes.

"Do you like the pancakes?" My mum asked.

"Like? I love them." I said with a mouthful of pancakes very ladylike.

"Glad to see you enjoying it, I will be home early today since we don't have that much shooting today so we can something together as a family since we haven't done that in a while." Mum informed me.

"Ohh okay sounds cool what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"We could have a movie night and order some pizza?" My mum asked she knows me so well.

"Add more junk food into the mix you got a deal." I smiled.

"Now now you know too much junk isn't good for you, anyway I am going to head of now have a lovely day hun I love you." I mum said as she gave me a hug.

"You too bye I love you." I said as she headed out the door.

Once I demolished what was left of my breakfast I put my plate into the dishwasher and went up to my bedroom and started using my laptop I did the usual of looking through my Facebook and twitter it was just the same old things people on twitter were asking me things like "I am I going to be in a movie?" Or how do you know The Vamps" I was getting use to the fact that people kept asking question about the boys and how I knew them and stuff but I guess some of the tweets were quite rude but, I kinds saw that coming. I decided to log onto my Skype and see if any if my friends from London were online and lucky Vanessa was online so I decided to Skype her.

"HELLLLOOOOO CHARLOTTE." Vanessa practically shouted.

"Hellloooo Vanessa" I sang.

"How are you I haven't spoken to you in a while?" She asked

"I am fine thank you I miss you and the other though how are you?" I replied

"Awww we all miss you too and I fine I guess I have been doing a lot of work" she answered

"Same I have been practicing I am guessing you have been revising and doing taking pictures" I asked here since I knew she was doing photography.

"Yeah I have this new project I have been working its due in a couple of weeks and this is what I have so far it a summer themed thing." She said showing me bits of what she has been working on.

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