first chapter of jokes

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1-  Did you hear about the man that drinks break oil?
-he swears he can stop at anytime.

2- what's a frog's favorite day?

3- I bought a dictionary but the pages are all blank
-I have no words to describe how angry I am.

4- what do you call a special foreign ant?

5- why was the broom late?
-it over swept.

6- why is the universe so big?
-because the planet's need their space.

7- how do birds learn to fly?
-they just wing it.

8- I understand how cars work
-but airplanes are way over my head.

9- I owe a lot to sidewalks
-they've been keeping me off the streets for years.

10- what washes up on small beaches?

11- as a child I was always attacked by cameras
-I still have flashbacks

12- today I gave away my free batteries
-they were free of charge.

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